The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 846: Owain A

Hey, Nah! I'm back for another round of fun!

Are we still doing this? Because I think-


What do you think? How's the view from up on my shoulders?

Eek! D-don't drop me! J-just set me back down! Gently!

I figured if make-believe wasn't your thing, something more physical might be the trick. So? Are you having fun yet? I bet the world looks pretty different from up there, huh?

I dunno. I see things from at least twice this height in dragon form.

...Oh. Right. I forgot about that. I'll just, uh... Let you down, then.

Thank you. ...Oof! You know Owain, you can stop thinking of ways to waste time like this.

I don't need fun or games or entertainment. I want a world at peace, and nothing more.

But play is important! I mean, even if you aren't really a kid! What sort of peaceful world are we making if it's business all the time? We've got to lead by example, Nah, and that means living happy lives.

I don't disagree, Owain. In fact, it's kind of noble. But I just don't like horsing around. I prefer to read. ...Quietly.

Sorry. I guess I just assumed. But hey, if you ever get the urge to horse around, you know where to find me!

Why are you so fixated on this?

I've always been good with kids, you know? So I thought maybe if I did the same sorts of things with you...

Owain, look. You're really nice, and really sweet, but you need to understand... I'm not a kid. Okay? I know that's a bit hard for you to get, but try. All right?

Ha ha! Okay, Nah. I will! I mean, um... I will, ma'am!