The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 848: Yarne B


Okay, that one HAD to be secret taguel focus training!

Nope! Still just a sigh.

Who sighs that aggressively? I thought you were channeling energy to smash a boulder or shoot fire or something.

It won't be the last time I disappoint you, I'm sure...

Geez. You're a real downer, you know that? So what's the problem? Tell me. Manaketes and taguel are practically cousins, so I'm sure I'd understand.

I was just thinking how much I hate fighting and how I wish the war were over already.

It sounds like someone needs to get in touch with his inner warrior.

What makes you think I even have one?

You're a taguel! Your people have always been fighters, the same as us manaketes. If you can tap into that innate clan instinct, you'll be a whirlwind of death in no time.

But it's also up to me to keep that clan alive. If I die, we go extinct.

I agree, that's a weighty responsibility. But this war could just as easily kill you whether you fight or not.

And this is supposed to encourage me how?

If you're not truly safe either way, why not stop worrying and fight like a taguel?

If it were that easy to just stop worrying, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Grow a spine, Yarne! Gods! I'm half your size, and I'M fighting!

Yeah, until you turn into a dragon! Then you're nine times my size! You know what? This is dumb. We're not the same at all! Plus, there are other manaketes out there if something happens to you! So quit talking like you have any idea what it's like!


Nah... Look, I'm sorry. I should go.

Yarne, wait. (Yarne leaves)

...See you around, I guess.