The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 850: Morgan C

Hmm? Hey, that's Nah... Why is she all hunched over...?


Nah! Are you all right?

Um, yes? Should I not be?

You were hunched over! Are you sick?

...No, I was praying.


Yeah. Like this. You close your eyes, see? ...Well, keep yours open to watch. "Great and wise Naga, heed my prayer!"

....And then you offer up your prayer.

Naga is an incredibly important deity to the manaketes. If you pray to her, she'll guide you to happiness.

Wow, sounds impressive! She must be awfully busy.

Yes! But she still takes time to speak to my kind every so often.

Really? That's amazing!

She spoke to me just now, actually.

Wow! What did she say?

"Kids your age shouldn't stay up so late."

Ha ha! Your god is a real mother hen! So, um, can I ask what you were praying for?

I wished for happiness and peace in the world.

And did she respond?

No. She never does when I ask for that.

Hmm, I see....

Maybe that's her way of saying we shouldn't rely on divine intervention. We need to build happiness and peace with our own hands!

Hmm... Maybe so. That's certainly a very Morgan-like interpretation. You're always so gung ho and optimistic.

Better to have more hope than less, I always say!

No arguments there!