The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 851: Morgan B

O great and wise Naga...

Oh hey, it's Nah...


She's hard at prayer again today.


..... That should do it. Oh! Hello, Morgan.

Hey there. Any responses from Naga today?

Yes, but not exactly the revelation I was hoping for.

She asked me for more offerings!

Oh! Hey, what do you offer a jealous god, anyway? Fatted calves and such?

Naga is not a jealous god!

...And I was told to bring a flower.

Oh? Any particular kind?

Naga's bell. It blooms once every 200 years, and only beneath a full moon. ...That's what the legends say, at least. I've never seen one for myself. They only grow in remote, craggy terrain far removed from human settlement.

Wow. That's a pretty tall order. Very specific, too.

It's supposed to near impossible to find. I'm afraid Naga's given me a doozy this time...

But you can't exactly ignore a direct request from a deity, right?

Say, do you want help looking for it?

That would be great, Morgan. But at the moment... I don't even know where to start looking. Give a little time to come up with an idea, all right?

Hey, yeah! And I'll find some dusty old tomes to read. ...Just in case.