The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 853: Laurent C

Ah! Laurent!

Hello, Nah. I thought perhaps we might chat for a-

No! Stay back!

...I beg your pardon?

D-don't come any closer you... you creep!

Nah, have I given some offense without realizing?

Don't try to play dumb! You're always leering at me! It's like you're undressing me with your eyes!

Good heavens! What a dreadful accusation! ...And I'll thank you to lower your voice. First, I'm not "leering" at you, and second, I observe everyone in camp equally.

My role in this army is to monitor and maintain the physical state of its people.

Ha! Nice try, you lecherous lout! You can't fool me that easily! You're always staring at me because I'm vulnerable and cute and demure! So don't bother with your lame excuses. Just knock it off! (leaves)

Nah, wait!

...The poor girl has completely misunderstood my intentions. If left uncorrected, it will stand as a stain on my good name!