The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 863: Gaius (Father) B

*Sniff* Sorry, Noire... Looks like I let you down... *sniff*

It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning. But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.

I'm not crying! *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse...

Just like before...

Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff*

Well, look on the bright side-at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*

Yep, juuust like before. You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.

I guess some things were just meant to be...

Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...


My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything? It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone... Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again? Why... *sniff*

*Sniff* Hey, don't cry, cupcake.


Er... cupcake?

Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal! The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!

Noire?! What in blazes...

*Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head. (leaves)

Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*