The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 868: Severa C

Um, so, Severa? I have to... Er... Do you mind?

Isn't it time you learned to do this by yourself?


Oh, all right! Gods!

S-sorry! I'm just scared, is all.

Too scared of the dark to go to the bathroom by yourself at night? Honestly, Noire! You're a grown woman!

I'm sorry, okay?! I'm sorry! ...Also, I'm sorry I yelled just there.

Gods, enough! Stop apologizing and let's go.

Th-thanks, Severa. You're always so nice to me.

That must be a pretty low bar if I'm leaping over it. Why not bother someone else from time to time?

Oh, I'd be too embarrassed...

And you're not with me?

You don't tease me for it.

No, I suppose not. I'm only interested in taking self-important people down a peg. Teasing you would be like kicking a puppy. ... While it's asleep.

...W-wait. Is that really the reason why?

Oh, what does it even matter?

At the end of the day, I'm still saddled with guarding you from the bogeyman.


Never mind. We're old friends. Imposing on me is just what you do....Er, that sounded less harsh in my head.

I think I know what you meant.