The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 870: Severa A

Severa, I am so, so sorry! It was an accident! Honest!

Gods, it's fine... It's just some spilled stew.

B-but it was so... so chunky! *sob* *Sniff* I'm always causing trouble for you...

And every time you do, I tell you it's fine and to stop apologizing, don't I? Besides, there was a ton of stew that didn't spill... I even had seconds.

Aw, you're so sweet!



Even at your best- and I say this lovingly- you're not the most together person. But you're still usually not this lame!

...What do you mean?

It's like whenever I'm around, minor slipups turn into full-blown disasters. I'm not sure if it's my fault or yours! ...Am I the only one who has noticed?


Needing an escort to go to the bathroom? Poisoning yourself with amateur potions? Dropping our dinner on the floor? I mean, I'm just saying is all, but why in the heck does this keep happening?

...I've been wondering that myself.


Well, um, see, I'm not doing it intentionally or anything, but... But maybe I'm subconsciously leaning on you for a familiar sense of security! I mean, um... that's my theory.

Weirdo alert.

Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, Severa.

Oh, stop it... I don't mind.

B-but I'm making so much work for you.

Yeah, well, I suppose I make some work for you, too.

What do you mean?

People don't really rely on me for stuff. I'm more the... prickly type. So it's kind of... You know. ...Nice.

Besides, who would keep you out of trouble if I wasn't around?

Hee hee! You're so right!

Just, uh... Don't go crazy, yeah? Everything in moderation.

Heh, it's a deal!