The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 878: Morgan B

Oh, Noire!

Mmm? Hello, Morgan... Wh-what's in the big cage?

It's for you. Come here and take a nice, close look...

Hmm? Why, what's in--

..Hurrk! (faints)

Noire? Noire, answer me! ...Oh no, you're frothing from the mouth! Gotta elevate your head...

... Nguh?! M-Morgan?! Wh-what happened? How long was I out?

A few minutes. You took one look at the insects I brought you and passed out.

Insects...? Augh, the insects! I remember now! *shudder* W-wait. You brought them for me?

That was the plan, right? You wanted help getting used to the sight of them? I guess I set the bar a little high for our first attempt.

I was expecting... I don't know, butterflies or something. Definitely not those black horned monstrosities!

Aren't they awesome?! I've got beetles with horns, other guys with pincers... Anybody who was ever a little boy knows these are the best bugs ever! So... Did you want another look?

NO! No, that... won't be necessary, thank you.

No? These are some prime specimens. I'm pretty proud of 'em, but...

I'm sorry, Morgan. I know you went to a lot of effort to catch these for me. But I don't know if I can get used to something I can't even look at.

No, no, I'm the one who should apologize. I think my selections were a bit off, given the audience. I should've started smaller. I'll come back once I've tracked down some cuter critters.

Um, thank you?

Sure thing! I'll get started right away!

But, hmm... Cute insects... Maybe start with butterflies and go from there? Just have to make sure I don't accidentally grab an Ylissean screeching moth! Ha ha! (leaves)

Screeching... moth? They screech?! Wait a minute, why would a moth ever need to screech?!