The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 881: Owain B

Hey, Noire! I'm here to put some cake in my belly!

Eep! O-Owain! Hello...

Whoa, it smells amazing in here! It's making my mouth water.

I hope it's all right. Some of these proportions are a bit tricky.

I'll let my stomach be the final arbiter of quality here. Give me that! *Horf, snorf, chomp* By the juggled axe of Kieran! This is amazing!

R-really? Oh, I'm so glad...

It's like a lightning bolt of flavor from a fluffy nimbus of perfect texture! Is this your mother's recipe? Because it tastes like magic!

I'd always wanted to try it, but... Well, we never had the ingredients.

Ha! Tell me about it! I spent most of my time in the future eating bugs. So what do you call this delicious morsel, anyway?

I... I don't know. The recipe never mentioned a name.

Then I must give it one!

Er... You will?

Sure! If you don't know it, I doubt anybody does, so I may as well give it a new one!

I... I suppose that's okay.

A harmonious clash of sweet and bitter rise up through a field of earthen brown... A single whole, when sliced, shows two tiers joined by icing, as two hearts by love... It's coming to me... Brace yourself! It's... coming... to... me...! Behold! The Garden of Eternal Devotion!

That's... That's beautiful, Owain! You're a poet! You just poemed!

I did? I mean, um... Ha ha ha! Of course I did!

Oh, there are so many cakes I'd like to have you try! But even here in the past, this stupid war makes it hard to find ingredients.

Ha! Never fear, my dear chef! I'm sure we'll figure something out.

Um, so if I do... will you name it again? L-like before? I mean, like a poem?

S-sure, why not?!