The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 883: Brady C

Oh, this is so embarrassing. Alone on a cot in the medical tent....Again! Honestly, everyone is being silly. I was just a little light headed.

*Time passes*

.........Nnnh? ...Oh. I must have fallen asleep.

Wait...I hear footsteps... Eep! They're coming closer! Wh-what if it's someone I don't know?!

Huh? ...Oh, it's you.


Gods, another day, another screwup on the battlefield. I'm pathetic!

Oh no, are you hurt?

Wouldn't be here otherwise. I dodged an attack wrong and twisted my ankle. My leg'll be fine, but my pride may never recover.

I see...

Anyway, looks like we're neighbors for the time being. Cheers, I guess.

Ch-cheers... I'm actually feeling a lot better, though. I'll probably be going in just a bit...

I hear ya! I can't wait to make like a bakery wagon and haul buns outta here. This place is depressing!

Heh, yeah... W-well, I hope you feel better soon.