The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 886: Yarne C

*Huff* *pant* N-Noire! You've got to... help me!

Eeep! Y-Yarne, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!

Long story! No time! Very convoluted! You've just gotta hide me!

Er, there's a blanket in the corner you can hide under if you want?

...Wait, that's it? No questions asked? You'll just help?

Er, you said it was convoluted and there wasn't time. But if you want me to tell me, I'm happy to-

Thanks, Noire. I owe you one!

Don't mention it. But since you offered, maybe you could tell me-

Shhhh! I think someone's coming!