The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 901: Cynthia C


What's wrong, Inigo? No, wait! Lemme guess. You got shot down by another pretty girl, huh?

Actually, she was GORGEOUS!

And for such a beautiful young creature, she certainly packed a mean left hook... I think I just need some time alone. ...Well, that and some ice.

With all the practice you get, you'd think you'd have better luck hitting on women.

Ha ha, very funny. I'm throughly amused. You just wait. I know what went wrong. I'll nail it next time for sure!

That's the spirit! Buck up, little camper! You're no fun when you're all mopey.

Someone's bound to pick up on my rugged charm and roguish good looks eventually. I just have to hang in there until then.

Now you're talkin'! Woooooo!

(Talkn' a bunch of nonsense...)

Sorry, did you say something?

Who, me? Not this girl, no sir-ee. Nuh-uh. Nothin'. Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better. You just stay there and practice smiling while I find you some ice.