The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 913: Kjelle C

Hya! Grah! Hiyaaah!

How goes the training, Kjelle? Your form is as lovely as ever. ...If you know what I mean.

*Huff, huff...* What do you want, Inigo?

You could use a break from training. What say you and me go have some fun?!

I'm afraid to ask what your idea of fun entails.

Madam, you wound me! A chaste cup of tea was all I had in mind. Perhaps some cake.

Eating sweets is a proven pick-me-up, and you owe it to your exhausted body!

Pass. Now if you're done talking, I have a training regimen to get back to. ...As should you.

Ouch! That hurts. All work and no play makes Kjelle a dull... um...Kjelle. If you don't blow off steam every once in a while, you'll explode!

Training isn't stressful. It's fun. ...Listening to you is stressful.

Oh, come on! It'll be a blast! I'll even let you pick out the cake. My favorite is lemon with chocolate frosting, but you can get-

Go. Away. Now.

Fine. Fiiiiiine! I'll just go eat cake by myself, then.

But I'll be back tomorrow! Just you wait! (leaves)

...I wonder if Chrom would mind if I stabbed him?