The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 919: Noire C

Aaah! S-somebody help! Heeelp! N-Noire's gonna kill me!

Dum de dum de do...

*Huff, huff...* N-Noire! Come on, put the bow down! It's all fun and games until someone loses an... AAAIEEEE!

Don't worry. Of all the weapons I use, I'm best with a bow. So it's very unlikely I'll hit you.

Oh, is that so? Well, you know what?

THAT DOESN'T HELP! And I was actually making headway with that girl until you started firing at her! ...Yes, well, you've had your fun. Now go away and let me get back to mine.

Oh, but I am my mother's daughter, you know...

And what does Tharja have to do with any of this?

When it comes to chasing our prey, we never tire. It's in our blood. You might say I'm a bit... obsessive about stuff like this. So you aren't going to lose me. No, sir. Noooooo, sir.

... Someone help me! Please! Anyone!

Actually, that raises a different question. Why are you running in the first place? I promised not to hit you, remember? I... I promised. *sniff*

Wait. Why are YOU going to cry? I'm the one being hunted!

*Sniff* D-don't you trust me?

My faith in your bow skills is REALLY not the issue here...

Then what's the problem? I'm just doing what I was asked. Just keeping the hyenas at bay.

Hyenas? Hey, wait a second! Who asked you to do that?!


Now stand veeery still.

Wait! Stop! Just think of all the ladies who will be deprived of-- Aaaaugh! Help meeeeee