The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 921: Noire A

Inigooo! Where are yoooooou?! You can run, but you can't hide... Hmm... Probably off chasing skirts again. I just hope there's no repeat of last time...

What happened last time?


Ha! Doesn't feel good to be snuck up on, now does it? I figured turnabout was fair play, so I staged this little ambush.

Th-that's terrible! You're terrible! *sniff* *sniffle*

Oh, come on! Stop that...

It was the girls, wasn't it? Your "hyenas"? Every poor, defenseless girl I talk to runs off screaming in a hail of arrows!

...... I had to make sure you weren't tricked again. Those were... Those were Chrom's orders.

Wait, CHROM told you to do this?!

Well, kind of. I mean, he let me work out the details, but... Look, none of this would have happened if you hadn't been tricked last time!

Last... I was tricked? I don't...

Remember the lady thief you invited to tea? The one who stole half our gear? When Chrom heard about that, he asked me to start keeping an eye on you.

I... see.

You're too trusting, Inigo. Chrom is worried it may shorten your life span.

You make me sound totally hopeless. I'm not some easy mark just asking to get taken in. It was just one lady thief! Oh, well... and that girl cutpurse. The one with the glass eye. Ah, and then there was that band of female arsonists...

But that still isn't a reason to open fire on me!

...I was just worried about you. We all worry about you.

Heh... I forgot all about that stuff, actually. Guess I thought everyone else did, too.



You offer apologies, but do you truly grasp the gravity of your crimes?! You've been a burden on the commander and a waste of my precious time! I ask again-- does your repentance match the scale of your misdeeds?! SPEAK NOW! SPEAK, LEST I PERMIT MY ARROW TO SPEAK FOR YOU!

Good gods, y-yes! Yes, ma'am! I'm sorry! Honestly, I had no idea people paid that much attention to me...


Ack! S-sorry, sorry, sorry! I promise I'll be more careful!

...Wonderful. Then I'll be going, now. We worry because we care, Inigo-- so just take care of yourself, okay? (leaves)

Phew... I thought I was a dead man. I'm just glad she put the bow down before she lost it there...