The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 926: Vaike (Father) B

Heya, Gerome. Have ya been takin' good care of little Minervykins?

I did NOT call her that! The very idea is ludicrous! ...You must have misheard.

Aw, no need to get your smallclothes in a twist, Gerome. Cherche sometimes calls her wyvern Minervykins, too. Eventually, I picked up the habit as well.

Oh... Er, right. I knew that.

Heh heh. You know, you're adorable when you're flustered!


All right, all right. No need to glare! I didn't mean nothin' by it...

...Apology accepted.

Heh. Thanks very much, Your Grace. I gotta say, seein' ya so angry reminds me quite a bit of Cherche.

What do you mean?

Mmm? Oh, er, nothin'... Hey! Is that your Minerva over there?

It is.

Hmm, more intimidatin' than Cherche's... Scarier, more ferocious...

Truly? In the future,people oft remarked she was the prettiest wyvern in the realm. Just look at those big, smokey eyes... She's such a cutey-poo! Er, I mean... Um... You tricked me into saying that!

I didn't trick ya into anythin'! You said it all by yourself!

That's it. I'm leaving. WE'RE leaving. ...Minerva, to me! (flies away)

Heh, he really is adorable when he's flustered...