The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 936: Nah A

Huh? Is that...?


Does that woman never rest?! ...Wait, what's she--? Oh, gods! She's charging right at me!

The mask! The mask! Give me that mask!

Heavens save me, she's gone insane! Must get out of here! Minerva, to me!


Egads, the very ground trembles when she roars! How can such a diminutive figure produce such a bloodcurdling sound?!

*Pant, pant*

Why, damn you?! Why are you chasing me with such desperation?

I thought I told you? Curiosity!

That hardly justifies your obsessive ferocity!

...Well, your obstinance isn't helping!

W-what's that supposed to mean? Aaargh! You're like a small child throwing fits for no reason!

...Wait. You are a child, aren't you?

Well, in manakete years I'm practically a mewling babe. But in human years I'm the same age as you.

So, you're just playing with me, then? Is this all some... game?

Well, by now it is, yes. Take a good look. It's rare that I ever get this way. Never toy with my voracious curiosity!

Why didn't you just tell me?! It would have saved a lot of aggravation!

Because puzzles are more fun if you must put in a little work to solve them! Besides, you wouldn't have played if I told you! You're always so grumpy. I couldn't even keep you in one spot long enough to talk to until now!

I don't know...

Come, now. Admit it. You would have brushed me off like an annoying child. Actually, you've been doing just that, no?

...So this started out as curiosity, and gradually devolved to... this? ...You wanted to be friends but were afraid I'd refuse if you asked directly. So instead, you've been playing these annoying games?

Well it's all over now that you've discovered my fiendishly clever plan. *Sigh* (leaves)

Nah, wait! Come back. ...Damn. She's gone.

...Perhaps next time we meet it wouldn't hurt to play along...?