The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 938: Cynthia B

Hey, Gerome! Can we, already? Pleeeeease?

Do what?

Have our hero chat, of course!

I never agreed to such a thing... I have nothing to say.

Liar! Remember when we were kids? We'd talk for hours and hours!

We're not children anymore.

I know. But remember when you told me I looked all strong and graceful like a hero?

...I said that?

Oh, yeah! All the time, actually! I'd love to hear you say it again.

Hee hee! It sent a thrill down my spine when you'd tell me how wonderful I was! I love that about you!

W-wait! You love me?!

Well, sure, we grew up together, right? We're the bestest of pals, aren't we? I loved it when you told me I was a hero! ...And graceful and beautiful and smart.

Oh. Right. Of course. I knew that.

So, come on! Make with the flattery!

......We are not children anymore! (leaves)

Aw, geez. Don't tell me... Does he hate me now...?