The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 951: Severa A


I don't want to hear about the mask. Don't talk about it. Don't point. Don't even look at it. Just... Stand there.

All right, all right! Sheesh......... Okay, look. You said why you wear the mask, and I agree it makes sense. But I'm positive there's another reason....A secret reason.

If my weapon breaks, I can hurl the mask at a foe. ...Satisfied?

Oh hardy har har.

You're not gonna distract me that easily, mister! I know you have a secret reason, and I'm going to find it no matter what! You can hid your face, but you can't hide your true feelings and stuff!

...If I tell the truth--the real truth--do you swear to let me be?

I swear!

You must also swear to never speak of it to anyone, under pain of death.

My lips are sealed.

...When I was but a child, I often dreamed of being a warrior. And in my dreams, I always wore a mask, because... Because I thought it looked cool.


I'm not finished! ...I began to wear masks all the time, just for the thrill.

But it's as you know, I don't like to reveal my inner life if it can be helped. And soon, a child's plaything became a tool for keeping people at bay.

Ah... I thought it must be something like that!

Then you were right.

So, wait. You limit your peripheral vision just to keep people away from you? Come on, Gerome. Even you have to admit that's pretty dumb.

I kept my end of the bargain. See that you keep yours. (leaves)

Hoooo! He looked maaaaaad at me.

Well, at least I got him talking...

That's good enough for one day's work, I'd say!