Part 9: Chapter 2 Part 4: Mackily-Agusty
Chapter 2 Part 4: Mackily-Agusty
Hello and welcome to Part 9 of my FE4 Let's Play, in which we finish up Chapter 2 (and about damn time, too!). Now, we left off last time with Fury flying right past Levin, so let's have him talk to her.

We're treated to a new piece of music for this conversation.

So you might be able to guess that Levin/Fury is a predestined pairing. In fact, it's the only pairing that's made canonical in this game's sequel, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. Fin/Lachesis is also strongly implied to be canonical in that game, but some iffy wording and outside word of god has said that Beowulf/Lachesis is canon. I think. Maybe Lachesis' son is Beowulf's, and Lachesis' daughter is Fin's. It's tough to tell. Anyway though, Fin/Lachesis is a better pairing so I'll be getting that, and Levin/Fury is a great pairing that's also canon, and extremely easy to complete, so I'll be getting that as well. Anyway, Fury's squad flies away and doesn't offer us any more EXP, so let's take a look at Fury.

She has decent stats, good weapon ranks, but no holy blood. Still though, she'll be our only flier for the first generation, so she has a lot of utility. She's ok at combat for now, but she'll see a big improvement at the end of Chapter 3. Anyway, I'll be moving her to Evans to do the arena for now, so she likely won't catch up to the rest of the cast to partake in any combat.
Back up north, our healers help to heal our army after the large battle we saw last time. Also, something I forgot to do earlier that would've been very helpful, Beowulf has a conversation with Lachesis that yields stat boosts. Also for whatever reason, Aideen's Theme plays during this conversation. Go figure.

And as a result, Lachesis gains two Strength and Skill, and one Defense.

And we continue pressing north to Agusty. We spend a couple turns healing, Beowulf and Fury do the arena a bit (Fury even manages to clear it!), and Sylvia visits some villages.

A bit late to be giving us that news, hell Cuan's still asleep as it is! Now, fast forwarding a bit to the actual combat

We end up with Sigurd and Lex ready to initiate. For the first turn or two, they're going to serve as defenders for our frailer units.

Also Fury starts heading toward the villages to pick up an item that one of them gives.

So let's take a look at the miniboss here, Zane. He has a Horseslayer which automatically crits against units on horses. It's similar to the Horseslayer in more recent games, but in those games it only does effective damage (three times weapon might) instead of critting (double total attack). It's a pretty small difference, but I thought I should point it out. Anyway, as I mentioned last time, Zane has a whole little arc to himself in the FE4 manga. He's shown as being incredibly kind to the citizens of Agustria, unlike all the other nobles and generals. He's pretty much forced into combat with Sigurd's army against his will, and he kicks their mounted units asses thanks to his Horseslayer. I think it ends up with Levin and Fury creating a trap/ambush for Zane so that the rest of the army can move forward. Of course none of this is present in game. He only has a line or two of dialogue total. Anyway

The reason I bring this up is because Zane's unit is now quickly advancing and about to attack us, making it difficult to get to the ballistae and the castle.

So we start clearing out these front-most units and begin to take a defensive position.

And of course now is a great time to get some EXP for our non-mounted units.

We have Ethlin heal Sigurd, both to increase his durability for the oncoming assault, and to have them side by side for the possibility of a sibling crit.

I believe this is Fin getting some EXP, since he needs to get as much as he can, very quickly, while still managing to fall in love with Lachesis. He'll be very busy for a while.

And we end up with a defensive wall like this. Holyn and Jamka are durable enough to take a few hits, and Sigurd can destroy anything that spills over from those two. Before we end turn, Sylvia visits another village.

Each year big towns like Agusty and Mackily hold witch hunts and arrest a ton of people. Then they burn 'em at the stake for doin' what? Absolutely nothin'! Is that nuts or what!?
This little scene helps to illustrate how much everyone fears the dark sect, and exactly how dangerous Manfroy's plan could be.

During enemy phase Zane reaches our army, and delivers his one line. I really wonder why they characterized him so much in that manga.

And Sylvia visits another village.

I think Tyrfing has been mentioned before, and it's kind of obvious that Sigurd will eventually get it. As of now we don't have anyone with the blood required to wield the Balmung (Major Odo), but I'm sure we'll find it eventually.

And Sylvia now has enough money for what we need her to buy. But it doesn't really exist yet, so we'll buy that later.

So we have Lex weaken Zane since Zane switched to his Javelin on Enemy Phase, so we no longer have to fear crits on our mounted units, and then we have Fin go for the kill.

And there's line two.

Fin doesn't really want the Horseslayer though, so we'll have him sell it and give it to Fury in the next chapter.

So we have some of our weaker units who need EXP snag some easy kills

And Aideen and Midir finally end up near one another for some extra love points.

So we heal up Holyn and have him attack some more, then send Cuan up to do some work.

Where he gets a lover crit, hurray!

Alec and Noish team up to take out an already weakened knight because they kind of suck and can't do much on their own. Now that we've cleared out a few, it's time to start setting up a defensive wall again.

A wall consisting of Sigurd, Beowulf, and Cuan. We should be pretty fine against the upcoming assault.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!!! These damn paladins are the worst! Well, they survived alright, but they stopped our guys from doing some serious killing. So blah blah blah, we slowly work our way through the enemies by throwing our guys against them, eventually ending up like this:

On Enemy Phase the paladins actually do something helpful and kill a ballista.

And we have Sigurd charge up and kill a second ballista.

And everyone else moves forward. So let's take a look at Shagaal.

Not great stats, but that Silver Blade is nice. He also has a staff that he can't use for whatever reason.

So Libro is basically a ranged Heal staff. It's similar to Physic in later FE games, but it has a uniform range of 10 instead of 1/2 the user's magic.

Here we have Sigurd kill off the last ballista.

Meanwhile Aideen and Ethlin stat returning people to Evans to try and get some extra cash and EXP from the arena.

And we have Sigurd ready to counterattack on enemy phase.

Now I know I'll be spending a few extra turns in the arena on this map, so here I'll try to let Aira get some EXP rather than having Sigurd crush Shagaal.

SIGH, I guess I will. Not I'll regret it later or anything

And this will be going to Aideen next chapter.

Fury finally reaches the last village.

So the Iron Cutter is essentially a Horseslayer that works on armor knights rather than cavaliers. We'll be keeping this on Fury, as well as the Horseslayer. She doesn't have the best offense on her own, to these effective weapons will help her quite a bit.

Anyway, these units went to do a few more rounds of the arena before I finished the map. Speaking of which

Let's seize. During this scene, a sadder variation of the victory music plays. It generally plays when you manage a bittersweet or Pyrrhic victory.

This is our reward for keeping the three Nodion Knights alive. It allows any foot unit to move again after acting, like mounted units can. This is what Sylvia's been saving up money for, as it helps her refresh a lot of units much more effectively.

So Eltshan's kind of an ass. Saving the man who imprisoned him, then threatening us when we save him. What's amazing is that after all this time, we've still only conquered about half of Agustria. Thankfully the next chapter moves a lot more quickly than this one, and is a lot more interesting. So until then!
Stat update:
Unit: Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luck Def Res
Sigurd: 18.23 50 19 0 17 17 10 17 4
Noish: 12.38 42 14 0 10 9 5 12 0
Alec: 12.44 39 10 0 12 12 7 10 1
Ardan: 5.74 38 13 0 5 5 3 13 0
Azel: 8.67 33 0 12(+5) 9 11 2 5 6
Lex: 20.48 48 16 0 15 12 10 18(+5) 0
Cuan: 15.18 46 19 1 14 14(+5) 5 15 3
Fin: 13.69 41 13 0 11 14 14 9 0
Ethlin: 19.47 39 12 8 17 17 14 8 9
Midir: 14.66 38 11 0 11(+5) 13 4 10 1(+5)
Aideen: 12.95 35 3 16 11 12 17 5 11
Dew: 5.60 29 5 0 6 15 14 3 0
Aira: 14.89 41 12 0 20 19 6 9 1
Jamka: 14.78 43 17 0 15 16 4 11 0
Deidre: 8.47 31 0 16 10 12 6 5 18
Holyn: 15.04 43 14 0 18 18 1 11 1
Lachesis: 11.27 31 13 9 12 17 8 9 9
Levin: 10.18 38 3 13 15 20 8 6 10
Sylvia: 1.80 28 3 0 4 12 6 1 5
Beowulf: 12.27 41 15 0 12 11 4 13 0
Fury: 9.12 34 12 3 12 19 7 10 9