The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Geneology of the Holy War

by Wind God Sety

Part 14: A stats update between chapters

A stat update between chapters

So I successfully went back and got a lot of units more levels. In my original recording, I forgot to send our new units back to do the arena, something I've remedied by getting Brigid and Tiltyu all the way through the Chapter 3 arena. Claude lacks a weapon, and therefore did not participate in the arena. I suppose I could've sold one of Azel's tomes to give to him, but I ended up taking a lot of turns as it was in this chapter (8 more than in my first recording), and didn't want to prolong things any longer by having another unit to warp back. I gained some EXP with Alec, Noish, and Beowulf by having them fight some of the pirates attacking Brigid, and I had Sylvia and Dew gain a good amount of EXP by fighting Pizarl's troops (Sylvia gained EXP both from fighting and dancing). Aideen and Ethlin also gained a good amount of EXP by Warping/Returning people. Since we now have all the units we'll get for generation one, I figure it's a good time to update everybody's stats.

Unit:          Lv      HP     Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Luck     Def     Res
Sigurd:        22.18   53     21(+5)  0       18      19      11       17      4
Noish:         15.24   43     15      0       11      9       5        12      0
Alec:          15.10   42     11      0       14      14      8        11      1
Ardan:         7.29    40     13      1       5       5       4        13      1
Azel:          14.88   38     0       13(+5)  10      14      4        7       6
Lex:           24.92   50     21      1       17      13      10       24      3
Cuan:          18.74   50     21(+10) 1       15(+10) 15      5        17(+10) 4
Fin:           20.20   45     18      0       14      19      19       13      3
Ethlin:        27.48   45     22      10      22      21      17       18      12
Midir:         18.98   39     12      0       13(+5)  15      5        11      1(+5)
Aideen:        21.55   39     4       17      13      15      18       6       11
Dew:           13.94   31     9       0       10      20      17       6       0
Aira:          18.08   43     13      0       23      20      7        11      1
Jamka:         19.46   48     20      0       15      16      4        12      0
Deidre:        10.07   33     0       17      10      12      6        5       19
Holyn:         17.18   45     15      0       19      19      1        11      1
Lachesis:      21.36   36     24      10      20      22      13       20(+5)  9
Levin:         14.62   39     3       13      17      23      8        8       10
Sylvia:        8.84    30     4       3       4       12      8        3       8
Beowulf:       16.72   43     15      0       16      12      5        13      0
Fury:          14.66   37     16      4       12      21      7        12      9
Brigid:        17.50   44     21(+10) 2       23      22(+10) 11       14      9
Tiltyu:        11.12   33     1       12      22      13      12       1       10
Claude:        25.10   38     1       23      14      16      10       7       22