Part 18: Chapter 4 Part 3: Silesia-Zaxon
Chapter 4 Part 3: Silesia-ZaxonAlright, folks, we have another short one today. If you'll recall, last time we rescued the queen in Silesia and saved some civilians. Also Fury's sister died, and everyone was sad. If you have a memory for details, you'll also remember that there was one enemy left hanging around Silesia after we captured it.
So we'll have Dew kill him. At this point he should be able to promote next chapter. Now, after capturing Silesia we have a few conversations involving Levin. First, Levin will talk to Sigurd.

That's not just for the sake of the story, it is quite important to have Levin go talk to Rahna from a gameplay standpoint. Next up, Fury talks to Levin.

And Levin and Fury are now lovers. This conversation gives 290 love points between the pair. And they start with 210 love points. If you forgot, a pair needs 500 love points to become lovers, so this conversation makes them automatically fall in love, which is kinda cool, and allows us to set up a pretty great pairing with next to no work. Now on the next turn, we'll have Levin enter Silesia.

So we have yet another holy weapon, and it's the second best one we'll ever get. Levin now effectively has 45 Attack Speed, meaning he's next to unhittable, and has a 65% chance to activate Continue (and an even higher chance to activate either Continue or Critical). And being a tome it's our first 1~2 range holy weapon.
Now, a lot of people seem to miss out on getting Holsety on their first playthrough, though I don't exactly see why. It's not like the Hero Axe or Pursuit Ring where you really have to have a guide to find it. The game flat out tells you to have Levin visit Rahna. Go figure.
Let's take a look at the enemy army, shall we?
Damn, they're pretty well equipped. Deadly weapons and potent healing. It's also interesting to note that Lamia's army is made up entirely of women. It may be the only place where there are enemy Sword Fighters (besides Aira) and Bow Fighters in the game, but don't quote me on that.
However, there aren't very many of them, and none of them have 1~2 range, so they're not really a threat if we get to them first.
We'll start by taking out Lamia since she's probably the biggest threat.
She's pretty cocky for someone with such unimpressive stats.
And, dead already. And Aira actually makes some good use of the Elite Ring I have on her by grabbing that kill.
So pretty standard stuff, kick some ass, set people up in a diamond, dance for them, you know the deal by now.
I really wish there were more to say here, but this part of the game is pretty dull and straightforward. The difficulty kinda crashes through the ground at this point, despite the well equipped enemies. Things get a bit harder next chapter, so maybe that'll be more interesting.
Oh, look, Pamela's already here. I should note that I warped Midir and Jamka to Silesia to help out, after they wasted their time up at Throve.
The last remaining member of Lamia's squad goes for Sylvia, and manages to miss.
And Fury finishes her off. My personal goal is kind of to get 50 kills on the Hero Lance by the end of next Chapter. There's no hidden goal or anything like when I was trying to promote Fin and Ethlin, I just think it makes the next chapter more interesting. Anyway, we have Midir go and attack Pamela.
Auto crits with the Hero Bow makes short work of her.
In case you forgot, Beowulf here still has the Wing Clipper, so he's also getting auto crits.
We hit that priest with the old, one-two punch, and she lives. This really shows how much Pursuit matters. My army is easily destroying more durable enemies than this, one on one, but Tiltyu and Dew combined can't kill a lowly in one turn, because they both only get one hit in.
We fall just short of killing everyone in one turn again. Oh well, I guess it's to be expected when they have two fliers in the middle of mountains.
The remaining Peg Knights target Midir, possibly to avenge Pamela, but more likely just because he can't counter.
Let's try Holsety out.
Behold, the overwhelming power of green blurs! I guess that's supposed to be wind, but it really just looks like a bunch of big squares floating around. Anyway, you can see here that the enemy actually has zero hit on Levin.
Unfortunately Levin activated no skills there, so Dew will finish her off. Now that I think about it, I guess Pamela's squad is also entirely female, being all Pegasus Knights. In Fire Emblem, for whatever reason there are no male Pegasus Riders.
So we finish off the pegs, and approach Zaxon.
Daccar actually has Blizzard (and of course cheats so he'll reequip Tornado when we attack him), and manages to hit Sigurd with it. He has a lot of health and high defenses, but only 9 Magic makes him not much of a threat.
So we clean up this little triangle of foes, then place Sigurd for a counterattack on Enemy Phase.
And naturally, since these enemies are actually promoted Generals, they have Big Shield. Son of a bitch.
So we're ready for a full assault next turn.
And naturally he pegs Midir with Blizzard. Shouldn't really matter though, since the map is almost over and we have plenty of units to attack Daccar. Speaking of which, let's have Levin attack now.

It's kind of unclear from the screenshots here, but Levin's second line actually comes before Daccar's second line. Also for some reason the Mid-Boss theme plays here instead of the Boss theme.
Hit one! And
Looks like Continue activated!
Target destroyed!
Let's seize.

And we're done in Silesia. A short and easy chapter, but a pretty fun one to play through. Sadly I'm out of things to say about the manga, because as far as I know it's only been translated up to Chapter 4 of this game. But there will be plenty to talk about in the next chapter, where we'll finally be returning to Grandbell, and hopefully reclaiming Deirdre and restoring our good name.