Part 25: Chapter 6 Part 3: Isaac-Rivough
Chapter 6 Part 3: Isaac-Rivough
Get ready for the shortest update yet. We'll actually be grabbing two castles in this part, Sophara (which we ignored before), and Rivough. Sophara is actually entirely optional (Isaac is too, I believe), but for the sake of completion I'll be getting it.
So as usual, after taking a castle, some new conversations open up.
Actually technically one opens up, and there are two others I just haven't shown off yet. That first one is Julia and Celice.

Depending on whether you take Isaac or Sophara first, you'll get a different tome for Julia. Isaac yields Resire, as you can see, and Sophara yields Aura. Aura has 6 more might than Resire, but also 8 more weight. I think if you get Aura, it retains the kills Deirdre got in generation one, so that's a plus. However Resire is just way better, because it drains HP, just like the Earth Sword or the Solar skill. This actually lets Julia tank fairly well once she gets going.
Arthur finally catches up and talks to Celice.

I think the writers didn't really know what to put here. I mean Celice just has some bad lines. "It's really great how you can use magic." I mean that just sounds so stupid.
Then Fee follows suit and talks to Celice.
This actually sounds like a conversation someone might have. I mean it's nothing special, but it's better than Arthur's, or the conversation the twins had at the start of the chapter.
Julia takes this opportunity to heal up Fee's wounds. You can also see that Lana will be following Celice up to Sophara. This is in part to get some love points between them, but Lana has one less movement, so they won't actually get many for being adjacent.
Let's take a look at the one remaining enemy on the map, Dannan. High Defense, decent Resistance, Big Shield for being a Baron, and a Thief Sword, allowing him to steal from whoever he hits.
He's also one of the few enemy units who the developers actually put in holy blood for, and possibly the only one who has it but doesn't need it to use his weapons.
So to avoid that Thief Sword, we'll attack at range.
Not pictured, Lester attacking four times, activating Charge, and attacking another four times. Only two hits are not blocked by Big Shield.
Oh and that happens. It wasn't at full durability at the start of the chapter (nobody thought to repair it in these last 17 years), and since Lester pretty much needs all four hits to kill anyone, its durability drops quite quickly.
Arthur comes in with a follow up hit, leaving Dannan at 6 HP.
Next turn, after Dannan heals from the throne, Johan attacks his daddy.

And once again he's left with 6 HP. Julia goes in for the kill.
And she gets it! Looks like all his Big Shield luck was used up against Lester.
Speaking of Lester, he'll need some gold to repair that bow. Let's have him visit this village over here. No bandits ever attack it, so it's pretty much a free 5000 gold.
Several turns later, Celice reaches Sophara.
That is all that is said.
However, taking Sophara opens up a conversation between Celice and Lana.

Instead of getting her own theme, she just inherits her mother's, which I'm fine with because I really like Aideen's theme.
And she gets 3 HP, which helps her durability a bit.
Celice is warped back to Isaac, and starts making his way to Rivough.
Later still, he finally takes the castle and ends the chapter.

It's interesting to note that only the opening of Victory 1 plays here (up to about the 8 second mark), and it's much more slow and drawn out.

I have no idea what "a complete about-face" means.

And finally, this chapter is over. They do a good job of having the ending get the player excited to keep playing, but it would've been nice if they doled out more consistently throughout the chapter instead of dumping it all at the end. If you're reading the Thracia 776 LP, you might realize that we're about to intersect with it. Early on next chapter we'll be meeting that game's protagonist, as well as some other characters that are featured in there. Oh, and somebody wanted me to show off the Johan vs. Johalva conversation, so here you go!