Part 27: Chapter 7 Part 2: Yied-Melgen
Chapter 7 Part 2: Yied-Melgen
Previously on Let's Play Fire Emblem 4, we took Yied and started heading south towards Melgen, ignoring the nearby castle of Darna.
And now that Celice has met up with Shanan, they can have a conversation.

And Celice gets some Skill, which will increase his crit chance ever so slightly. Not much else beyond that.
So here's our target. This is actually one of the hardest fights in the second generation. A lot of armors, archers, mages, ballistae, and two magic bosses, who we'll look at in a bit, and our units aren't overpoweringly strong yet.
To the west, there's a line of neutral soldiers blocking off Darna, and a bandit destroying a village.
So I'll have Oifey go over and rescue it.
Also at this point, Johan and Lakche have fallen in love. That was really fast.
As a reminder, we have these guys over by Lenster. They won't be fighting anyone or doing anything interesting this update though. On enemy phase



Let's take a look at those two bosses now. On top of Melgen, with have Ishtor.
With his siege tome, he's pretty damn deadly. And because enemies cheat in this game, if you try to attack him up close he'll equip Tiltyu's Tron, significantly raising his evade.
He also has Continue, which means he'll occasionally be able to hit us twice with Storm. Incidentally, we'll never get to use Storm, or any other siege magic. Next, we have Liza, the enemy's mobile boss.
Two rings that she won't drop , increasing both her attack and defense. She is a force to be reckoned with, but luckily she doesn't have any skills.
Now this is gonna be tough. We can't just charge in and destroy things like usual. Doing that will very quickly result in us getting swarmed by armors, then destroyed by long ranged attacks.
So we're going to try to slowly lure the enemy out of range of Ishtor and his ballistae. This is somewhat difficult though, since we have to worry about entering Liza's range, while still managing to pull her back.
We take a pretty big beating, and don't manage to kill many enemies. They remain within the ballistae's range, so we'll wanna pull them back further still.
Meanwhile Oifey saves the village.

Well we got that on the wrong character. Whoops. If you somehow haven't figured it out by now, Aless is Eltshan's son (you know, the one I told you to promptly forget about a few chapters ago). Maybe he won't die like his father.
Our horses hit and run, slowly thinning their numbers, and the rest of the pack retreats.
Unfortunately, they retreat too far, and the enemy army doesn't give chase. But this gives us a turn to heal up at least.
So we move forward some, again trying to draw out Liza's army.
This actually worked out pretty perfectly, only one attacker reaches us, and the rest get pulled up. Now the hard part will be killing them without dying on Enemy Phase.
So instead of doing that, we kill do more hit and runs. I decide to show off Julia's Rezire tanking skills, too.
Her high Magic, Resistance, and Resire make her the perfect unit to bait out Liza.
And now, reinforcements arrive. Having more healing is great, and Shanan can destroy everything fairly easily.
Like that.
I pull a stupid, risky move having Johan attack with only 6 HP and not a 100% hit chance.
But it pays off, and all is wonderful.
In case you forgot, this is what the sibling crit looks like. Lakche and Skasaha will get it much more often than other siblings since they have the same movement speed and combat role.
I think Skasaha activated Lunar anyway though, so the crit wasn't necessary. Still, always helps to have more reassurance for the kill when you're relying on lucky skill activations.
And we finish off the remaining enemies (besides the priests and the ballistae which are out of range), so it should be mostly smooth sailing from here on out.
These priests are actually quite fast, so Celice doesn't kill her since he can't double attack her.
At this point, I remember that Patty can talk to Celice.

So now we have two Hero Swords! Celice would rather use his 50+ kill Silver Sword though, so we'll pass that off to Skasaha. This sword is incidentally another way that people attempt to make Patty better at combat. By pairing Holyn with Brigid, you can pass down his Odo blood, giving Patty B Swords, and letting her use the Hero Sword.
Heal, move forward, charge ballista, kill priests, attain victory.
Delmud's ability to just barely survive makes him a prime target for Ishtor.
So now we just wanna charge forward and take out Ishtor as quickly as possible. I have the frailer units retreat towards Darna to avoid being picked off.
Skasaha has more than enough health to take a hit and survive, so he'll be escorting Celice and the other Swordmasters.
Even with the Killer Bow, which has very high hit, it's difficult to hit Ishtor, and he has great hit in return. So we won't have Lester attack there. Instead our strategy will be to have Shanan destroy Ishtor, since nobody else can really do it.
So he, Lakche, and Celice approach the castle while the rest retreat.
Shanan immediately activates Meteor, destroys Ishtor, and gets Tron. At this point nobody can actually use Tron though, since it's A rank and Arthur only has B rank thunder. After promotion he can use it, though that might be a while from now.
Cleanup, retreating, healing, seizing.

And we end our turn.



Well they look familiar.




So Aless does not die, and we actually get to recruit him! Let's have a look.
He comes with pretty great stats, unpromoted, at a low level, with a holy weapon! He effectively has Critical thanks to his holy sword, and he has Pursuit, Ambush, and Continue, making him a deadly force. Since he has pretty great stats on his own, we can actually save some Mistoltin uses by using his Iron Lance. Like Shanan, he'll be awesome throughout the rest of the game. He's probably our best unit in generation two, since he joins early and strong, and has a horse. He even has good Resistance thanks to Mistoltin. Once again, I'll leave you with some stats.