Part 33: Chapter 9 Part 3: Kapathogia-Grutia
Chapter 9 Part 3: Kapathogia-GrutiaWe got another short update this time. Previously we killed Trabant and found out that Altenna was alive and that she wants to join us.
I also kinda fucked up and had Celice unnecessarily backtrack. This next castle can actually be extremely easy to take if you don't have Celice return to Kapathogia, and send him straight to Grutia while Corple recruits Hanibal. This is because the only enemies at Grutia are some ballistae that don't get in the way of actually reaching the castle, and of course the boss who can be killed in one round at this point. So you can pretty easily take Grutia the turn after it turns against you.
I, however, didn't do that.


So Corple and Leen are the only kids that don't realize they're siblings (well, and Celice and Julia). Though this doesn't mean that you can make them fall in love, thankfully.

Corple and Patty gain 100 love points with each other from this conversation. This is actually Corple's only love related conversation, so I guess that makes Patty his only predestined lover. They don't have an endgame conversation though.
If you recall, last time Grandbell's army came to reinforce Thracia. Fortunately they sent a very small force, but it's still more than Fee can handle on her own.
Musar's pretty strong, but the kicker is that he actually has Pursuit and decent Attack Speed. He'll drop Torando, the A rank wind tome, though only Sety (or more accurately, only Levin's son) and Leaf can use it, and neither really want it since the former has Holsety and the latter has great Strength and terrible Magic.
So these guys will chase Fee into the mountains while backup comes for her.
And Altenna continues moving toward Celice.
Fee does more hit and runs, and the army arrives at Luthecia. Here a select few go north to fight Grandbell, while the rest head towards Grutia.
The select few being Aless, Leaf, and Delmud. At this point, Fee's at 1 HP I believe, so she needs to retreat for healing.
Leaf will tank for a bit and take out the few enemies that can reach him on this turn. I have him tank because he's still holding the Elite Ring, and I figure it's best to maximize its use before the end of the chapter.
Meanwhile, Altenna catches up to Celice.

Altenna's introduction here actually parallels her introduction to Leaf earlier in the chapter, "Well, I'm Altenna Trabant's daughter, if you haven't figured it out yet."
So let's finally get a look at Altenna's full stats.
Ok so it's nothing you couldn't have guessed from the stats I showed previously. But maybe you didn't know she could use A Swords (though she never will use swords). Overall she's a pretty great unit, being one of two flying units, and having a holy weapon. She's unpromoted with great Strength, Speed, and Defense, and good Skill and Luck. As a side note, the enemy dragons we fought thus far have been Dragon Riders, which is totally separate from Dragon Knights. Altenna will actually promote into something separate, but we'll get to that later.
Leaf takes an unlucky blow and has to retreat, leaving Aless to defend in his stead.
I forgot to take a screen cap of what Tornado looks like, but I'll be sure to show it off when Sety gets it. The boss did double Aless, but both attacks missed.
Around this point, Celice approaches Grutia and its ballistae. This should be no problem, but the ballistae will prevent Altenna from flying in and helping.
Juda himself isn't a huge threat since he has relatively low hit with Fenrir, but if he manages to get a hit in, it'll hurt quite a bit.
Up north our units take out the last remaining threats, and I decide to have Patty grab some petty cash from the healers.
And Celice leads a solo charge to take Grutia.
Everything misses him.
So Patty will be taking all of these villages and probably giving the money to Corple to fund his Reserve spamming.
I should also point out that one of these guys is a Killer Ballistae, I think the only one of its kind in the game. Its slightly more accurate and can get crits.
A crit easily takes care of Juda, though if Celice had failed to crit, I was willing to bet he could survive another round where only two enemies can hit him with 30-40 hit.
And of course, seizing gets rid of all the ballistae (and any Grandbell knights). Kind of a shame to waste that EXP, but it would've taken too long and/or been too risky to kill them all.

And we're pretty much done here. Just one castle to go.

The Three-Headed Dragon assault is actually quite dangerous. But more on that next time.