Part 44: Battle: Lava Pirates
Update 26: Lava Pirates (Battle)Welcome back. This time Pope Steve and her loyal clergy are taking on the Flame Barrel, mostly through a combination of exploiting knowing where the reinforcements will come and sheer dumb luck.

You don't use Mag

Neither do you!

Alright, onto the map.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but the dragon tribe is dyin'. Those who don't confine their true, dragon form in a stone eventually lose all reason and become monsters.

I mean you could ask Bantu. He's been here for like 4 chapters. But okay.

This is the first real bit of backstory we get on the Manaketes. Shadow Dragon didn't really mention it at all.

Alright, so Chapter 12 is mostly about being able to hold out against multiple very powerful enemies at a time. This map is full of dragons, so Wyrmslayers are extremely useful here.

I just wanted to show this, because I wasn't sure if I had before. Not only can Marth access the Convoy in battle, so can any adjacent units.

I want to lure two fire dragons over, so I ready up Steve and Ogma to get their attention.

Yeah, these guys hurt. This is a running theme for this whole map.

Steve shows off with a crit, because she can, and gets a pretty damn good level. Defense, yay.

oh fuck it's these guys

Ogma cleans up this Fire Dragon so I can focus on the incoming Wyvern pack.

This asshole is also going to be coming for us. The Tomahawk is a stronger version of the Hand Axe.

Luke blocks the 1 range slot for Ogma while Malicia patches him up.

Steve gets the fuck out and I pop Barst in her spot. Now for the Wyvern barrage.

Oh and that guy.
One wyvern hits Luke from the side, and I'm ready to reset until:

I love this dodge so much I cropped out the bottom screen so everyone could focus on it.

God bless you, you stupid green haired hero.

So we're still mostly intact after that. Cleanup time.

Finally Merric gains Magic, and my recurring Steve nightmares are put to rest.

In a supreme display of disrespect, I just use a regular old Steel Sword to kill this guy because fuck wyverns.

Oh and Malicia grabbed a level.

Using the Convoy, I grabbed her a spare Physic stave. I'm going to need it to pull this next part off as cheaply as possible.

I moved Caeda, Luke, and Malicia onto these forts east of the start point.

This is where the map gets mean. As soon as you step past the squares one south of that line of forts, almost all the enemies on the bridge just rush you down. In addition, two Fire Dragons and a Tomahawk Barbarian spawn in those forts east of the start, trapping you in a pincer against some of the game's most dangerous enemies.
Luckily I cheated, knew that was coming, and blocked the forts. So no pincer for me! This is still not going to be easy.

I put Steve and Minerva on forts, Barst one space forward to deal damage to an incoming Fire Dragon, and the rest behind.

The rush begins, and I wish I had given Barst a Silver axe, as this would be a one round kill.

A Hand Axe finishes the weakened Dragon, and Malicia restores Barst to the HP he'll need to soak a Fire Dragon hit.

It's okay Darros, you whiffed anyway.

Kind of a sad level for Barst, but he's already capped so much.

A Levin Sword hit would chunk Barst down pretty hard too, but he is a dodge master, in case you forgot.

Steve puts an end to the Fire Dragon that hit Minerva.

Again, Barst and the Swordsmaster miss eachother. Truly they were meant to be.

Alright, get over here, pirate man.

Darros was a Pirate from Chapter 2 of Shadow Dragon who would walk up and recruit himself. He's the only native pirate in the game. He was vastly unimportant and didn't even show up in the original FE3.
Him being here now creates a pretty great plot point where Darros, who apparently decided to go sailing after Shadow Dragon, managed to end up in a volcano full of dragons. He is the worst goddamn sailor.

How is he making money out here, it's full of dying crazy dragons and cultists!

Darros here is...not great. He has okay base stats, not as good as Barst or anything, but having a Silver Axe off the bat helps. Sadly, his growths are pretty bad outside of HP and Strength. He's not terrible, but he's not really worth the time if you aren't starving for Axes.

Merric decides to leaf through his book before hitting this guy.

That of course means he is disintegrated instantly.

Minerva grabs a Vulnerary as I set up a bit of a blockade.

Darros is in the line of Tomahawk fire, so I top him off with Malicia.

R.I.P. Physic. A true hero

Here's the second fuck you from this map. Three turns after you trigger the first round of reinforcements, a second group will spawn in the forts (Unless they're still blocked

Dodge Master Barst strikes again.

I really like Barst.

Initial storm weathered, but the Wyverns are ALREADY HERE.

Bit of a waste of a Hauteclere use, but I forgot to give her another good axe. Oops.

You might consider this overkill.
But fuck Wyverns.

Merric agrees.

Catria finishes off the remaining Wyvern.

Catria is hitting some fantastic level ups lately.

Either Marth sees a shooting star or he's getting a crit.


I'm sealing this away.

I decided to give Darros a chance to shine. He missed. Way to go.

The Steve/Barst tag team is an unstoppable force, and we're nearly done with the center bridge now.

It's safe to bring our fort camping friends over now.

Barst takes a little damage here, but he's alive.

Thanks to Ogma, the dragon is not.

A solid level up here.

And now I have Malicia wander around and heal everyone for several turns.

Now that that's done...time to lure the Wyverns up here.

They were uninterested. Fine, hard way.

Now that this first Fire Dragon is down, the path to the most important one is clear.

Bad idea, Wyvern buddy.

And Catria finishes off that dragon, earning us something nice.

The last Starshard

Wendell's mission is complete, and we now have one that gives us +1 to Def and Res. Not too bad, but not the real prize for getting all of these.

Now to prepare for the final charge.

And when you step on those forts more reinforcements spawn! Including from the first forts we crossed, two Wyverns! If you didn't block one. With Merric. Hoping his buddy is in the mood for mage.

Wait no you were supposed to go for Merric

I have that same expression.

Navnabarl finishes the Wyvern off.

And with one last, shittily cropped screenshot (my bad), Catria finally hits the level cap!

Oh yeah, and this.

Ogma takes defensive positions, and gets a shitty level.

More Malicia levels.

Steve could really learn a dodge lesson from Barst.

Another point in Def is just fine with me.

Caeda, tired of doing nothing but block a fort all map, decides to show off.

And now only the boss is left!

So, everyone is at full health, Malicia is almost level capped, and I'm horribly impatient. So I just took out this Might Staff.

And beat Marth over the head with it until it broke and I got a level.

An...entirely empty level. What a shitty way to hit the level cap. But fuck if I'm ending this map on such a terrible note.

One dragon.

One whip.

Lightning strikes around Catria...

And she transforms!

Falcoknight is ours! This gives her a huge stat boost, access to Swords, and the ability to level up to 20 all over again.

And now Catria can use every Lance in the whole game.

She eats a Fire Breath, but...



Fuck yeah, Catria.

I know a certain Cleric who would love this.

Medeus, the last Earth Dragon, was the final boss of Shadow Dragon.

Shield of the five orbs? That sounds...familiar.

The divine sword is just the remnants of a wisdom tooth removal.

I love how casually he reveals that. Surprise!

But fuck that, we have Jagen sweat to discuss.

Variable Dialogue, depending on MU's Strength. Since Steve isn't exactly a powerhouse in that...

Who the fuck are

He keeps taking my line.

And so, Camus' old pals have joined us. This is new to the remake, and yes, they're from one of the BS maps. I want to save that one for later, though. For now, let's take a look at their stats.

I'm gonna be honest, I have like, nothing to say about these guys. I can't even tell them apart.
Robert is a prepromote with pretty shitty stats, but some solid growths. If you want a prepromoted bow user, I still think Jeorge is better.

Belf is a subpar cavalier. Do you have a good Luke, Rody, or Sirius? You don't need Belf.

Leiden is an interesting case. His growths aren't as good as Robert's, but he has more room to grow and better bases for his level. I could see you getting some decent use out of this guy, but with Luke and Cavalier Caeda if I need her, I'm not really aching for more Cavs, and I can't really think of another class he'd be great in. With bow ranks, I'd say Archer, but ehhh.

Oh, and here's the Starshards. With the 11 in the list and the one in Barst's inventory, we have 12, and can breathe easy about finding those.
Next time, everything gets a lot colder and a little less confined. See you then.