Part 64: Battle: Definitely The Final Map Of The Game (Part 2)
Definitely The Final Map Of The Game (Battle 2 of 2)Alright, time for the final gauntlet. This part is extremely finicky if you dont know just what youre doing.

Due to the late promotion time, our favorite Scarlet Swordsman is a bit behind the other promoted units among our regular crew, so Im letting him do some Arena grinding.

Meanwhile up top, ouch.

Malicia is going to be doing this a lot. Note that Im keeping Sedgar with us, well need him.

Barst and Ogma on these forts should make for a solid defensive barrier.

Would you cut that out!

Oops, Ogma cant use ranged weapons.

But she can.
Barst advances on the Ballista. What happens has been censored for your delicate viewing eyes.

This was not though.

Now Ogma can take this guy down.

And its time for Rescue again to get Barst the hell outta there. Why?

REINFORCEMENTS FROM EVERY FORT IS WHY (They trigger as soon as someone enters this big ring area)

Stand firm, Ogma!

So this doesnt look...great. But someone has to be able to hold all these guys off.

Not him.

The teenager mage should be able to survive this! Alternatively, I suppose a General with good Res could work, or you could pull back and let them come to you, though its tricky on Hard and above, given how many are mounted.

Some of the enemies are uncooperative, though. Poor Catria.

Imagine this happening on loop. Forever. Thats this turn.

More Magic. More. The cap is 30 for Sages, and I want to hit it.

This is all that remains after Maliciageddon 2015.

Now for some medical duty. The red area is Wolfs attack area.

Send in the lure Catria.


Still, most of them go for Malicia, because she has 6 Defense. They dont know about Nosferatu.

They never will.

Still some coming though

Your duty is complete, Catria, get the hell out.

Everybody back up so Wolf doesnt kill himself.

(He missed)

Sedgar, go!

No, Im with Wolf, what was that cheesy line, Sedgar?

A man of few words, and much punctuation.

Evidently I forgot to grab a shot of recruited Wolfs stats, but theyre the same as they were a few screens ago. He is also completely terrible. Decent growths, but no room to use them and bases only slightly better than Sedgars. The whole Wolfguard is pretty much here for completionisms sake, and theyre important for getting a bonus chapter.

Now for the generics.

Meanwhile back at the Arena

About what youd expect from a Swordmaster level.

Okay. Last call before we charge in on those ballista.

This one asshole is still around.

Catria prepares for a sneak attack.

Everybodys getting shot by Ballista today.

That takes care of that one.

One left!

Might as well let Barst start on wearing down these Boss guards.

I was a little worried about this.

Also this. Thankfully there was no surprise Ballista owning.

Finally done with these.

Good weakening, Catria. R.I.P. Javelin.

Now its only Nerring.

So heres an arena that almost went horribly wrong. He missed the next shot.

Oh yeah, these Bishops are still around. Sorry guys, Sirius needs EXP.

Dammit, I knew Id mess up one of these crops.

Thats encouraging, though. Not bad.

Anyway, Nerring.

Fairly imposing boss, lots of defensive stats, but nothing you havent seen before.

Also Marth crits!

Keep that HP up.

Arena Healing gets Merric another good level.

Sirius cuts Nerring close to death

And the Prince finishes him.

Okay Marth, I know you arent even close to your caps. Thats just a sad level.

Grabbed Minerva an Arena level too. Nice one.

And finally, thats the end.

Its Boah! You might remember him from that one bonus chapter! Or the prequel!

Get ready for some PLOT.

So, in like, the first few pages of the thread, someone joked about how this entire game is sorta Boahs fault? Heres the rationale for that.

Also Camus is...dead? MIA? Shadow Dragon has him as an optional fight to get the Gradivus, but since Hardin got it back, I assumed that fight did happen. Either way, yeah, Nyna had a bit of a crush on him.

She would never face him in the hallway.

Wondering why all our old Cleric friends have disappeared? Sounds like Ol Gharnef wasnt exactly happy with the resolution of the last game.

And so, Boah joins poor Lorenz in the list of characters from the prequel who couldnt be playable again for reasons of dead.

At least he left us his stuff.
And thats the end of the chapter.

Next time we fight Hardin.

No, like, for real this time.
Update 37: Going Hardin The Paint