Part 69: Battle: Lady Eremiah
Update 38: Lady Eremiah (Battle)I hope youre all ready for some low visibility! Like the other Gaiden chapters, this one is gimmicky. The gimmick is narrow corridors and fog of war, in combination with long ranged units. Despite that amount of annoying shit firing at you, this map is pretty quick and fairly easy, especially compared to the last two chapters, and its mostly just plot stuff. There are a few nice treasures to pick up though.
We should check up on Everyone before we do anything, though.

Keep this in mind for a little bit.
Lets take on Eremiah.

She doesnt say this line if you kill Katarina, naturally.

And so it begins. If you dont remember the gimmicks to fog of war in this game from Kleines map, heres a refresher:
-Your sight range is 2 squares
-Thieves do not get additional view range.
-If you run into an enemy on your path, you stop dead in your tracks.

Moving Luke there revealed these two Berserkers.

Oh, and heres what I wanted to point out earlier, since Ogma has capped speed, he doesnt get the bonus from Hows Everyone.

Anyway, one Assassin down.

These Berserkers arent really a threat. There are other enemies that fill that role.

Just slowly making our way forward.

What? Where is that?

The fuck?

Where are these guys?
Alright, so this is the gimmick. The Longbow. This map has several snipers running around with Longbows. Longbows can attack from 3 squares away, which means you cannot counter attack them. Theyll hide behind the walls and take potshots at you, so the trick is trying to keep away from the walls. The problem with these enemies is that this map is so narrow, its sometimes impossible to avoid them. Do not bring fliers without Iotes.

Luke scouts ahead.

Or not.

Out of the way, please.

Steves progress is also stymied.

Want to try and keep everyone fairly high HP here, because its dangerous with all the hidden Snipers.

I didnt show all the Longbow attacks, because this is pretty much what they all look like.

Heres one of those assholes!

I almost forgot to bring the Armorslayer to this map. That would have been a pain.

Another sniper chose to reveal himself. It was a poor decision.

dammit merric

And Marth finishes another Sniper off. Dont worry...there are more.

This is the only Longbow you can get in the game, IIRC. Im sure there are a few spots where this could be handy.

As usual, Malica is on medical watch.

Some more scouting.

Oh shit, wheres Eremiah? Wasnt she supposed to be in the top left?
oh no

Heres the other gimmick. Eremiah uses long range tomes on you.

Steve is an expert at dodging Meteors, though.


Another Zerker from the darkness.

Really solid level for Steve here.

Malicia almost at the level cap.

Luke ran by the wall and revealed this last guy.

Ogmas using the Pure Sword again, in case Eremiah sets her sights on him.

Or Marth. Marth is a bit more dangerous.

Ah shit. Generals out of nowhere.

Fucking. Longbows.

holy shit that was so close. Behold the lucky dodge for this map. Wouldnt have needed it if Ogma hadnt crit the first general to death and opened the space for the second...but eh.

Okay, time to get the hell out of here.

Keeping everyone topped off.

Another copy of Merrics signature spell. This is nice, because we blew most of Excalibur on those damn wyverns.
I do not miss the wyverns. I am glad they are gone.
And dead.
Forever. No more of them. none.

One more of these guys.

Oh hey, she hit with that.

This tricky bastard snuck out from behind Marth. Good thing I healed Malicia up.


Now then

Here she is. Not much to look at statwise, but shes a schemer, not a direct fighter. She does have a Thoron if you get too close, but I dont plan on letting her use it.
Oh, heres her special dialogue for Katarina:

Shes still a jerk. Surprise.
Anyway, theres only one proper way to finish off the evil wizard.


Yeah, shes a bit of a pushover.

...goddammit steve. Fitting for the holy blade, ONE MAGs last hurrah, though. It has one use left, so it can be preserved for museums.

Still not done yet though...theres one chest left!

More of these guys.

No match for the Nav.

Ill take that level. Almost 30 Speed, hot damn.

Marth finished him off for another great level.

These guys are just kinda annoying now.

A General blocks the way, so I brought Luke in because neither of these guys have ranged weapons.

Also another Longbow man.

Fancy flips fuck fletchers.

And the Rapier deals with the last General.

So I wanted to point out that I dont think you can kill the last enemy on this map without some trickery. Theres a longbow guy in this area, if you could lure him next to the wall, outside of a corner, you could probably pick him off? Not really worth it though, he doesnt have anything. Weve taken out enough brainwashed children.

The last reward is another Aura. Malicia is pretty set for endgame.

Time for Jagen to exposit over the villains corpse.

hey are you ready to feel real bad
time for that.

Oh boy here we go.

So, to recap:
Eremiah was an orphanage owner who took care of children. During some of the events of the last war, her orphanage burned down and all the children died. While she was grieving, Gharnef used his mind control power to break her weakened mind and turn her into his servant. He convinced her she could save the children if she made them strong by torturing them and brainwashing them. She gathered a bunch of kids and did that, turning them into assassins, like Roro, Kleine, and Katarina. Now, as shes dying from injuries inflicted by Marth and co., Gharnef shows up and reminds her of all this. She dies, realizing what shes done, and screaming.
Brought to you by Nintendo!

Next time, something personally painful.
Update 39: Return of the Wyverns