Part 73: Battle: The Game Is Starting To Drag-On
Update 40: The Game Is Starting To Drag-On (Battle)Pretty quick map this time around, weve got one more gauntlet of enemies to run through before we start hitting the real endgame levels.

Almost done with the LP, and then Ill never have to see Matthis again.

Gotoh appears in a flash to babble at us again.

Oh yeah, Marth just left that thing lying around like an idiot.

(this is patently untrue, but it will help)

Marth were going upwards. And sally forth? We have the dorkiest prince.

Oh, uh, hey there. Remember when I said Ymir was the most obscure new Shadow Dragon character? Meet Nagi. To get Nagi, you had to have Tiki dead and lost the Falchion (Or never got it in the first place) before the final map. She...might be Naga? She might not really exist? Its very vague. This game will not explain shit.

I guess Tikis death wasnt canon.

And we now have Nagi. Gotoh just fucked off. Will he ever fight with us, like in Shadow Dragon? nope, not at all
Nagi is the OTHER recruitable Divine Dragon. I suspect if youd been using Tiki, she might be a little better, but for now, Nagis...not bad. She does pretty well against dragons, and that Resistance is outstanding for those Meteor slinging asshats.
Her speed leaves a bit to be desired though, and her HP is on the low end. Glower will wreck Nagi, hard.

Immediately Michalis takes out this Sorcerer, and heres the inherent problem with Michalis. 16% crit on a Thoron tome, his luck is doing him no favors if these guys get a lucky shot off.

Finally, this happens. Sheema can use all the lances and bows in the game as a General now.

Steve can rush forward and deal with this guy too. A crit saves some Brave Sword uses.

Oh, gave Barsts Master Key to Catria, since shes more mobile.

Just rushing everyone forward, because Gotoh was right, dallying long here is a bad idea. Reinforcements starting rushing in quick if you wait too long.

Michalis, with luck so shit Swarm can crit him.

Nice dodge by Marth.

And it looks like he doesnt even need to double this guy. Criticals welcome!

Starting to come into his own, Marth.

Darn, no double here.

Sorcerers can use Fortify too. You know, in case you thought you were missing out.

Also, almost all the enemies on this map that dont have long range tomes or Fortify staves will rush us.

I was hoping Sheema would crit here, but just seeing the goofy ass General bow model was enough to cheer me up.

So, heres an example of what Nagi can do. Sucks that she gets doubled, but it is a Swordmaster.

Marth is just critting like a madman today.

Hes getting some good levels too.

So, heres one advantage of the Brave weapons, two hits before a counterattack. Catria took no damage here.

The Macedonian royals veer off to take out the oncoming Levin Sword flanker.

Hand Axe cant quite finish this guy, but at least Barst doesnt take damage.

Popping one of these before we enter Mage Zone.

Pretty easy to clean up these enemies along the middle.

Steve also takes care of business, and the hall is already nearly clear.

The ears do not fit in the portrait.

Ah, fuck. Meteord. Where is this guy?

Oh, another flanking guy was coming. I had Nabre cut him off, it worked out well.

More strength is always welcome now that hes capped Speed.

Yet another Marth crit means no Glower damage.

So long, meteor dick.

Ill take it.

And theres what I wanted.

Ogmas crits make him leap approximately two Ogmas in the air, and that owns.

Everyones a little beat up, so this should help. I spent the next turn getting everyone in position close to the two doors. Im in a hurry, but its important to take your time for this bit.

Whats behind door number 1?

An absolute fuckload of enemies. Yes, two of those Sorcerers have Meteor. Its easy to have someone die here. Thankfully

Well, there are two entrances, but thats not what I meant. THANKFULLY

I found a use for this!

Silence does not stop mage dragons. It does stop Merric using heals though, so I, uh, probably should have done this first.

Both mage dragons dealt with.

Want to clear this room as much as I can.

Nice javelin whiff, Michalis.

Need to put Marth here so poor Barst doesnt get absolutely obliterated. Also, he capped speed? Nice. That Speedwing may have gone to waste though.

Steves holding her own pretty well here.

Marth gets a face full of fire here, but there wasnt much I could do about that.

He does keep getting good levels though? Way to step it up, Marth.

That was a pretty crucial dodge. Needed to dodge either this or the Dragon

Ogmas lack of ability to double Swordmasters hurts him here.


Marth just never. Stops. Critting.

Thats the end of the Wyrmslayer, though.

The mages are active again, but so our ours.

Res aint bad.

4 HP, but an enemy that cant attack back. Livin on the edge.

4 levels for Marth on this map.

Michalis handles things over here.

Again, pretty good level. All stats I like.

Barst takes a lot of damage here, but thats enough to end the last Glower guy up here.

Okay, second to last, my bad.

And now were all clear but the boss. But its Turn 6.


And some more!

And those enemies at the start we ignored have started moving! Thats a blessing in disguise though. The problem with the Thief staff (that is almost never a problem) is that it doesnt open chests enemies are standing on.

Not an issue now.

A fitting reward.

Another nameless boss here. Nothing too special about this guy.

Thats all for Boss Mage Dragon With No Name.

Good. More hit power for Minerva.

Oh, also more reinforcements. Like I said, they just keep coming, and they all rush you.

Dragons. So many dragons. If you needed to grind, this would be a good spot, but our characters are pretty sufficiently leveled, and Id rather save time/weapon uses.

I will do this though.

Also handy, since Marth broke that last one.

Alright, all done here.

And thats all the post-map conversation we get.

Well, except this, but its just because we took that sweet hat.

Marth, the evil pope is trying to summon your greatest foe from the depths of hell, this is not the time.

Marth never learns.

Next round:

Time to face off with a true villain. None of this mind control bullshit.
Update 41: No Puns For Gharnef