The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

by Fedule

Part 22: Chapter 13 - Addendum

Bonus Update: The Many Conversations of Gatrie

Although only Astrid can recruit Gatrie, and only Ike can recruit Astrid, pretty much all of the original Greil Mercenaries can have conversations with Gatrie, most of which are pretty decent. Oscar's has already been shown; here are the rest.

(Note that all of these are supposed to be before Gatrie is actually recruited - Ike can also have a slightly different conversation after he is recruited (this was also shown in the actual LP))



Well, if it isn't Ike! Good to see you. You're looking well, my boy.


Well, I'm glad to see it. I've been worried sick about how the Greil Mercenaries held up after I left. Did you ever recover?

We managed just fine. Uh... What are you doing here, anyway?

Me? Oh, I'm on a vital mission. Absolutely critical, I am. You see, these men keep attacking this ship, and I am to continue driving them back!

I see... Are you working for the Begnion apostle?

No, no. My employer is far more charming!

Is that so... From the sound of it, it must be a young lady.

Aye, after a fashion. Judging by the look of things, you must be on Begnion's side, yes? I certainly hope so. I'd hate to have to slay you after all we've been through.

No, you're right. We're here to defend the apostle.

Well, that's a relief. There's nothing more awkward than having to kill a friend because of his poor taste in employers, I tell you. Still, I guess that's the hazard of life as a mercenary. It's good to see you, Ike. Let's finish this together!

I'm with you, Gatrie.



Gatrie? Is that you? Well, I'll be. It IS you!

Oh! Titania! It's been such a long time! How have you been?

Busy, of course. The mercenary life is a busy one. Have you been doing well since you left us?

Yes! In fact, I'm on a very serious mission right now! I can't afford to lose. A life hangs in the balance!

My... I've never seen you so serious before. Whoever your new employer is, he must be quite special... or... would I be safe in saying "she"?

Tee hee! You know me too well! But I do love the work she gives me. I'm so happy, I don't know what to do! Well, it is nice seeing you again!

You, too. Good luck, Gatrie!



Hm? Hey, it's you!

... Hello, Gatrie.

What's wrong? Are you still holding a grudge because I abandoned the Greil Mercenaries so abruptly?

No, not really. I'm just waiting to find out which side you're working for. If you're on our side, fine... Please fight till you drop. It will only improve our chances of winning.

I, uh... Of course! You know, you can always count on me!

Hm. "Always." Of course.

Phew... That boy hasn't changed a bit.



Gatrie? That is you, isn't it?

Well, if it isn't Mist! Long time, no see! How have you been?

Oh, you know! Hanging in there.

Look at you! You're out here on the battlefield now? How do you like it?

No worries... Not so far, anyway. How about you? Are you doing well?

Yes! In fact, I'm on a very serious mission right now! I can't afford to lose. A life hangs in the balance!

I'm glad things are working out. I knew they would, but I was worried... Just a little.

Tee hee hee. You never need to worry about me, dear Mist. I've never been happier!

I'm glad to hear that.

Well, the battle awaits. Stay sharp, and stay safe!

The same goes for you, Gatrie!



It can't be... Gatrie!?

Boyd? Why, Boyd! Long time, no see! How have you been?

Since you left? I've been fine, thanks. We've all been just fine. Uh... What are you doing here?

Working, of course! I'm on a very serious mission right now. I can't afford to lose. A life hangs in the balance!

Hm. Well, I am glad to hear that. You do seem much happier now than when you were when you left us.

Ha ha ha. You always were an observant one. Let me tell you, I've never been happier.

If I know you, this has something to do with a woman, doesn't it?

Huh? What was that?

Oh, nothing. I was just talking to myself.

But enough chitchat. There's a battle to finish!

You got that right.



Gatrie? It IS you!

Hey! Rolf? Rolf! It's been a long time! How have you been?

Well... Yes. I've been well!

They have you fighting for them, too, do they... Are you doing all right?

Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I've been doing just fine. How about you, Gatrie?

Great! In fact, I'm on a very serious mission right now! I can't afford to lose. A life hangs in the balance!

Sounds exciting! I guess I didn't need to worry about you after all.

You were worried? That's nice, but to tell the truth, I've never been happier, my boy!

I'm glad to hear that.

But enough chitchat. There's a battle to finish!

I'll second that.



Hm? Is that... Gatrie, is that you?

Hm? Rhys? Rhys, look at you! It's been so long! How are you doing?

Oh... I'm hanging in there. And you? How has it been since you left? Is the new job going well?

You bet! In fact, I'm on a very serious mission right now! I can't afford to lose. A life hangs in the balance!

I'm glad to hear everything's going well for you. I knew it would, but I was worried... Just a little.

Tee hee! You don't need to worry about me. Why, I can't remember when I've been this happy.

I'm relieved to hear that.

But enough chitchat! There's a battle that needs fighting.

Agreed. It's nice to fight at your side again, even if we're working for different people.


As you may have noticed, the writers seem to have once again manually written a bunch of virtually identical lines for each conversation. There are enough differences to rule out them being procedurally generated, but you'd think that since they were handwriting these anyway, they'd at least have put in a bit of effort, no? Ah well. At least Soren's is interesting. As usual.