Part 50: Chapter 20x: The Reason I Went For The Generic Units (Prep)
Chapter 20x: The Reason I Went For The Generic Units (Prep)(Hey, Shadows Of Valentia came out today! Maybe you should check it out, I havent played it yet.)

The ol Warp/Horace bomb is still an extremely good tactic, even with an Armorslayer in the mix. This probably wouldnt work with mages in the group, however.

Things dont work out as well for poor Dexa. He/she did eat two shots before this, though!

This was honestly the greatest obstacle on this map. Normal mode nerfs the Paladins hard, so its sort of a breather.

Oh, I figured Id let you know, I didnt do an exact count but this is at least Wrys fourth empty level. I think its been around six.

The reinforcements are also pretty weakened thanks to the whole not moving as soon as they spawn thing. This also makes it much easier to Screenshot LP. Live and learn.

So, I couldnt decide if I wanted a picture of Bantus battle model or his death quote, so I think I panicked and got this instead. So heres him looking very introspectively in specter form over an empty text box.

(look, he got like 6 empty levels and I didnt wanna reset

Due to the low unit cap on this map, we only got one new character despite the pretty huge losses I took. Say hello to Hendexa!

Say goodbye to Hendexa!

So, uh, as youve probably noticed, once the game runs out of Latin numbers, in the American version, at least, the names get...interesting.

Unfortunately, without Lena, the Hammerne is Literally Useless to me on this run. I guess I can sell it?

I also spent all my Master Keys last time, so, uh, were just gonna forget this route exists, okay?

To my surprise, though, you can, evidently, get through this area. Its not all mountains. Im learning a lot on this meat-grinder-esque playthrough.

You do get some different dialogue here if Camus lives. Most notably, Nyna doesnt run off to cry in the black void.

(This chapter is called Men and Monsters in the EU version, which is a way better name.)

The sole new addition to the team this time is Auffle the Bishop.

This map has one feature that I dont think appears anywhere else, lava. Its the same as Water but Berserkers cant cross it.

There are a lot of chests scattered around this map, which is separated into six separate islands. We start in the bottom right and have to move up to the top left.

The enemies, as is typical for a Gaiden chapter, arent anything too special.

Heres the loneliest island of all.

We do have a Swarm Bishop to contend with, but its not much to worry about in the grand scheme of things. The grand scheme being this map is still pretty easy.

The boss here has no ranged weapon or throne, so hes...just a General who doesnt move. Not much to worry about.

Also I made Auffle a Swordmaster. Thats enough for today.
Bonus Content
Etzels support is really depressing so heres a Catria art from the new game!