Part 4: Late Arrival (feat. Alkydere)
Chapter 3: Late Arrival (feat. Alkydere)![](1-C3P00.png)
The Lycia Alliance was assembling here to discuss what to do about the danger approaching from the east. Roy hurried toward Castle Araphen as well, taking with him Princess Guinevere, the key to make or break this war. However, when Roy had gotten within a day's march of the castle, a distraught messenger came rushing to him with grim news. Two of the three Dragon Lords of Bern, General Brenya and General Narshen, have attacked Castle Araphen and decimated the Lycia Alliance Army... Shocked by the report, Roy hurried toward Castle Araphen to find survivors and determine the damage that was done...
I dunno, head wounds bleed a lot, so I doubt thats Hectors blood. Oh, also, hello there. Artix is apparently planning a rotating guest commentary slot, so Im Alkydere.
Maybe he - wait. Hang on. Theyre actually showing blood? In Fire Emblem? Whats going on here?
Liberate the world. I know nothing about this games plot so Im gonna give that an 8 out of 10 on the crazy scale without any modifiers. Of course, that could change, it really depends on what hes trying to liberate the world from. Is he trying to liberate the world from some sort of social injustice like serfdom (5 to 6 out of 10) or is he trying to liberate the world from the tiny little men living under everyones toenails (11.3 out of 10)?
Clearly he wants to save the world from the rift in the fabric and space and time that would result from a Fire Emblem game not beginning with a formerly peaceful country suddenly invading a neighbour with which it had been on good terms. That couldve gotten ugly, fast.
Hes already planning to sacrifice her in some stupid way just because shes Too Idealistic, a.k.a. having a brain and realizing selling everyones souls to dark forces is a bad idea, isnt he?
Alright then, Chapter 3. It's a small step down in difficulty, but we meet our first knights in battle and get to play with our new thief. Priority number one is getting to the northwest village for reasons that will be quickly apparent, but otherwise this is a pretty chill chapter.
The average Fire Emblem Player will probably rush the village anyway, because the IntSys-Asshole-Tendency law dictates that if there isnt already a bandit or enemy thief on the map there will be one teleporting in at the mathematically determined most inconvenient time.
Maybe in hard mode, but in normal there are absolutely no thieves or bandits on this chapter. Its kind of nice, actually.
Chad is pretty much exactly what you'd expect from a thief. Something of note is that Lockpicks have 30 uses instead of 15 in this game, so his initial set will take him pretty far.
30 Lockpick uses sounds wonderful honestly. Of course, hes still a level one Thief, a class that is delicate in any game, in a game that hates the player.
While Marcus heads north, we start cleaning up the starting area. Alan lances this guy in the face twice, and the rest of the crew forms up. The other soldier goes after Wolt, but misses.
Oh, hey, look, its the Obligatory Implausibly Courageous Child!
So yeah, this is why we want to hit the northwest village as soon as we can. It's not in any danger of being destroyed, but Lugh here will join up, and it's a long treck back to the main group on foot.
Let's deal with some soldiers. Wolt starts by killing the southern-most one, and Lot takes the one above Lance. Chad softens up the archer, and Bors comes in for the kill.
Its the Manjaw. Bors Manjaw will lead us to victory, chin first!
Thany weakens the east soldier, which Ward kills for...this, and Alan and Lance form the front guard by killing the north-most soldier.
Well...its, um, its not an empty level, though it might as well be one.
Fire Emblem is always more interesting when a given playthroughs RNG-Karma is balanced but unevenly distributed.
Yes, this is quite acceptable.
Turn 3 is village time, so we'll start with Marcus.
Lugh's a little fragile for now, but he's our first offensive mage. Unsurprisingly, he's quite useful for this map with the knights running around. For now, he hops in the forest by Marcus.
Very nice, free Mend staff. We push forward in the castle, but nothing exciting.
Oh, that looks like fun.
Good god, those eyes.
A traitor within Lycia holding an young Eturuian lady hostage? Now there's a plotline we haven't seen before, no sir.
Wow...psychopaths one and all, arent they? Guy legitimately wishes his boss well, his boss reciprocates by threatening to slowly murder his subordinate in the most painful way possible if he doesnt win or die trying.
Well, we wouldnt want them getting confused for slightly sympathetic villains, now, would we?
With Narshen, Idoun, and Zephiel off, Slater takes the throne and we see our first enemy reinforcements (the cavaliers). The biggest thing about reinforcements in this game is that they can move on the same turn they appear. Keeping your healer in the back of your formation? Whoops, asshole reinforcements and now your healer is dead before you could do a goddamn thing about it.
What they actually do is have the reinforcements appear at the beginning of the Enemy Phase. In future Fire Emblem titles, reinforcements appear at the end of the Enemy Phase.
Fuck yeah, Lance, 9 whole damage!
Lance has better luck on a nearby soldier and gets an alright level.
The cavalier brigade is knocking on our door, so Bors and Alan take the line. Lot comes in to help, but misses with his hand axe. The sword-wielding ones proceed to off themselves, leaving the ever-obnoxious javelin ones.
They don't last very long, considering how weighed down they are.
In other news, Lugh and Chad decide to warp themselves outside the castle to have their conversation.
"Father" here is a priest, not his actual father. This is interesting, because it's kind of implied in FE7 that Lucius was the head of this orphanage, which means there shouldn't have been any Fire tomes in his room.
At this point, Chad, Lance, Lot, and Lugh head south to get the treasure, and the others move east toward the boss.
Lot gets a pretty bad level mostly killing the last knight.
At least theres a little meat on that level. An HP only level might as well be empty.
Slater himself isn't particularly dangerous, but this is our introduction to how much harder thrones make things. Gates are annoying, but thrones give a massive +3 Def, +5 Res, and +30 Avoid. Considering that every single map in the game is a seize map, the boss will always be hiding on one or the other, and the game has a wonderful habit of putting units like knights that get most (or all) of their weaknesses covered by the throne's benefits.
That nose, that beard. If we could recruit him Id vote for having him team up with Bors Manjaw to be part of our moving wall. Also, this is Intsys were talking about. Things are too easy or too hard, but never balanced. If they took away, or reduced the +30 avoid thrones give units (dont ask me how parking your ass in a chair makes it easier to avoid being hit), these fights might be fair.
My interpretation: theyre just standing on the seat for a height advantage. Hey, its no less silly than... whatever explanation were supposed to accept for thrones acting as they do.
Alan takes a potshot at him, but misses.
Case in point. Even with the weapon triangle advantage, the hammer has a 26% chance of landing.
Even Lugh isn't much help.
Our healer, ladies and gentlemen.
Still. One. Goddamn. Magic.
Wait until you meet our second healer!
3000 Gold for the taking here.
Lugh dodges like a boss, and gets an excellent level for his trouble. With that single point of speed, he can now double Slater, so his damage output just went from 4 damage a battle to 10.
Slightly less useful treasure, but they can't all be winners. Lugh dodges another pair of javelins and drops Slater to 2 HP for Roy to finish up.
Youre dead, I dont think he cares. He probably wont even remember you.
Eh, alright. I'll take it.
There must be something below the camera/portrait. I still say the blood on his armor and face are splatter from someone else.
From the looks of it, he died as he once lived. IE, in a tornado of axes and blood.
Level 1 Thief
Swords - E, Affinity - Thunder
HP: 16 (85%)
Strength: 3 (50%)
Skill: 3 (50%)
Speed: 10 (80%)
Luck: 4 (60%)
Defense: 2 (25%)
Resistance: 0 (15%)
Con: 5
Chad follows the Julian and Sothe playbook; that is, absolutely fantastic growths wasted on a unit that shouldn't really see combat in the first place, and can't promote. Unfortunately, there is no assassin class in FE6, so it comes down to which of the three thieves you want for stealing, opening chests, etc. The second one is essentially a "prepromote" thief, and the third one comes late enough that there's no reason to use them if Chad or Thief 2 has seen regular use, so pick one between Thief 2 and Chad as your primary, and just roll with it.
No promotion? Ouch, thats 20 levels of growth hell be lacking. Of course, if he did have a promotion the game designers would have probably halved all of his growths, so take what you can get I guess.
At least hes not stuck with halved EXP gains and the single weakest weapons in the game.
Level 1 Mage
Anima - D, Affinity - Fire
HP: 16 (50%)
Magic: 4 (40%)
Skill: 5 (50%)
Speed: 6 (50%)
Luck: 5 (35%)
Defense: 3 (15%)
Resistance: 5 (30%)
Con: 4
Lugh is the first of Nino's children, and tends to be the "balanced" mage of the game, similar to Erk. Don't let his low constitution fool you; magic is much, much lighter in this game than FE7. 4 Con is barely enough to hold a Fire tome there, but 4 Con covers Fire, Thunder, Elfire, and a new tome in FE6. Even the mighty Bolting weighs in at a mere 10 Wt, and all that means he can really let his speed (and other good stats) shine.
Hector's non-bloody official art.
Obviously not the Hector you dragged through Hector Hard Mode on FE7. Way too manly for that.
Of course not. Obviously Eliwood's route was canon.