Part 36: Chapter 16x: The Pinnacle of Light
Chapter 16x: The Pinnacle of Light...the outskirts of Aquleia. The Tower of the Saint was a place of worship for Saint Elimine, one of the Eight Heroes. In the tower lay various holy relics relating to her.
However, the sacred tower was under the control of Bishop Windam, who had rebelled against the Elimine Church by Roartz's orders...

Bullshit they will.
It sounds like Roartz is a little incredulous that the church in what is essentially a JRPG world dares to not be evil or be used for evil.

It's showtime. Best to bring those with resistance, because this chapter isn't very friendly to the have-nots. The sage in green has a Silence staff, the ones in red have Bolting, both corner bishops have Purge and Physic staves, and the boss has Berserk. And there are going to be reinforcements with more Purge tomes and Silence staves.
This map (though not the exact enemies in it), like several others in this game, is rehashed and reused, although not in FE7; it makes appearances as optional content in FE8 and FE11. I totally knew that before it was pointed out in the FE11 thread.
Douglas has joined us for real, giving him the second most inconvenient joining time, and he brings a Silver Axe and Lance to the table. He, Roy, Saul, Oujay, and Echidna are taking the left side, while Ray, Hugh, Lugh, Fir, and Rutger are taking the right. But first, we have some business to attend to.

Ray is still a little slow, but sweet christ Lugh.

At the end of every turn, a "randomly" selected column will get blasted by an arrow, and every unit hit will take 10 damage. The soldier from before is completely full of shit, as it will never pick a column that enemies are in unless the enemies are set to move. Check the enemies' initial positions on the chapter map - there's a 90% chance that those columns are safe spots.
Its like IntSys flips a coin every time they put in a map gimmick to determine whether or not the AI will cheat like a motherfucker or gleefully march its units into the trap.

And we're off to an auspicious start.

Competence! A good sign of things to come.

Even Douglas gets to pretend to be useful.

The silence asshole begins his dark work.

Fortunately both Ray and Lugh are capable of healing now.
I still dont know how to react to the sight of druids wielding staves. Is he, like, using dark magic to levitate the heal staff or what?

Hugh lives to see another day. Bolting assholes teaming up on individual units can get really nasty really quick.

Goddammit Oujay how did you miss him twice you are the worst hero

Hugh picks up an alright level on the far side. I was kind of surprised the cavalier attacked him instead of Ray, considering Hugh has higher defense.

Goddammit. Silence staff!

With both Ray and Lugh out of commission, Fir and Rutger pick up the slack on the front lines. Hugh assists as best he can, which really isn't much.

One Bolting asshole done.

Oh my, what's this?

With the exception of Skill, she's basically kicking Rutger's ass across the board.
Have I mentioned I never stopped believing lately?

Purge asshole #1 has a rather substantial range, so Saul is pretty much going to be going it alone from here.

Hugh is not making a particularly convincing case for himself. I'm only letting it slide right now since he's the only one even capable of casting magic on the right side.

Bitch, please.

I don't even care that your Silence Staff is already broken, go fuck yourself.

And you! Purge and Silence! Get the fuck out.

AhahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ye who sew the seeds of your own destruction shall know no mercy!
What was that? Did someone just say everything shall be destroyed? Because I think I heard someone say everything shall be destroyed.

So first thing is to get the fuck out of Rutger's range.

Saul blocks the bishop in and begins wearing him down.

Windam is a little obnoxious. His magic score means he has a huge range with that Berserk staff, and he's very likely to land when he tries it. Also notable in that he has much higher defense than resistance for some reason.

Rutger, I admire your enthusiasm, but please put the Killing Edge down. You have an Iron Sword for a reason.

Well, if you insist.

Silly Bolting asshole, you can't even hurt him.

Purge Asshole: Dead.

Look, there's having fun with Berserk, and there's writing a deathwish. You're pretty firmly in the latter category now.

A knight tries his luck against Rutger. It doesn't go so well.

A meh level, but that's all the Purge assholes gone.

Piss off, Bolting asshole.

All siege-tome users gone.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

And that's a wrap.

Every couple turns it throws another bishop in one of the corners, but they're pretty inconsequential.

Jesus Christ are you FUCKING kidding me?
OK, so the odds were a bit improbable, but this is a minor annoyance at this point.

Hugh rushes over to deal with our troublesome friend, and Lalum helps.

Anyway, time to start on Windam. Our mages are actually the best choice for dealing with him, considering he attacks with magic and has lower resistance, but Fir gets us started.

Following a round with Lugh and Ray, Hugh is in position to take the kill. Unfortunately, he misses. Windam isn't so lucky on the enemy phase.

Yeah...Sorry Hugh, but I don't think you're getting a Guiding Ring.


Level 8 General
Axes - A, Lances - A, Affinity - Thunder
HP: 46 (60%)
Strength: 19 (30%)
Skill: 13 (30%)
Speed: 8 (30%)
Luck: 11 (20%)
Defense: 20 (30%)
Resistance: 5 (5%)
Con: 17
Woo, prepromotes.