Part 44: Chapter 17B: The Bishops Teachings (feat. Cake Attack)
Chapter 17B: The Bishops Teachings (feat. Cake Attack)...views and express their discontent for the Revolutionaries. Driven away from the palace, Roartz and Arcard fled to Sacae, which was still under Bern's control.
The vast Sacae plains lay in the center of the continent. Before Bern invaded, Sacae was inhabited by various nomadic clans.
The Etrurian army joined the Lycia Alliance Army to form a joint Etruria-Lycia Union Army. The decision was to head for Sacae to get rid of the remaining Revolutionaries, and also attack Bern, who was behind them. Thinking that some Etrurian knights would not approve of being seen as serving under the Lycia Alliance Army, Roy officially named the new Union the Etrurian Army and became its commander.
Roy led the division responsible for entering Sacae. The Sacaean people were wary of outsiders in the first place, but even worse, Brenya, another of the Three Dragon Lords, had gotten the largest clan in Sacae, the Djute, under submission. The warriors of the Djute clan and Brenya's elite troops stood in front of Roy as he set foot on Sacaean soil.

I like Brenya. Do we have to kill her?
Im ambivalent about it. I guess thats an improvement, though.
Meh. I say let her burn. In a game with some moral ambiguity I might feel for her, but as it is she's actively working for a guy who's not exactly on the up and up. Being nice while doing that shouldn't be enough to stop her from being Gonzalesed to death.

Right then, here we go. Mages to the east, cavs and nomads to the south, with a few wyverns scattered around.
To think; it wasnt until Advance Wars that IntSys had the idea to make terrain mess with Fog of War. Think how much more bullshit potential thered be if you could only see into forests/etc from adjacent tiles!
I want to see what they'd hide in the forests. Swordmasters, Siege tome users, Berserk assholes. Oh man the possibilities would be endless.
Zeiss was going to come, but due to a lack of Elysian Whips, Fa got to come along. After all, why use a wyvern rider when we can just bring a real dragon?

So way back when, you guys voted on handing out some stat-ups. Ray and Fir were the winners of our first two Angelic Robes (not that Fir really needs it now).

Oh, and there are enemy thieves. See, by now, bandits are pretty ho-hum and don't really represent much of a threat. So now thieves can destroy villages. And they have 6 movement, and are going to be packing at least 16 or so speed, which means an obnoxious amount of avoid and difficulty doubling for something you really need to kill. If that east village is not saved by turn 5 or 6, you're not going to save it.
I always found this hilarious. Im going to use my speed and agility to... destroy the shit out of your village. Because Im a thief!

Yay Hugh?

Making Miledy's life difficult is this asshat. Given how far ahead she needs to be, Saul is basically the only hope of healing her up.

My god, can it be? Is that a sage with pants?
IntSys, ever the innovators.

Bolting asshole is hanging out up here. He also has a Physic staff, if you wanted another reason to bash his face in. That said, it's tempting to have Miledy (or whoever) kill him on her way over. Don't - that thief we saw on the first turn takes off for the village immediately, and you don't want to waste time on this guy if you can avoid it.

Our foes in the south are not particularly well armed, for whatever reason. Come on IntSys, this is Chapter 17. Surely we can move beyond iron weapons by now?
Another thing Ive always thought is that, if they were a bit more... sparing? ...with the numbers, they couldve made Iron/Steel/Silver weapons an actual choice. I mean, sure, Iron weapons retain some accuracy later on, but for the most part, the late-games are all Silver-or-GTFO affairs.
Well in theory, Silver Weapons are mainly balanced by price and uses. Then they give you 50000 gold just for showing up and that stops being an issue. When money supply is tighter it becomes an actual choice.

Bizzarely, this archer runs out to attack us instead of getting on the Ballista. Not going to complain, I guess.

This isn't the Bolting asshole, but I was planning on feeding him to Fa, and he attacked after Hugh's Elfire tome broke so he got a face full of Aircalibur instead.

Sparse, but functional.

What? The enemy was going to attack our village? I see... I must thank you for informing us. Please take this.

Thanks, asshole. So helpful. Maybe I can make a wall shiver in fear or something.

I heard a noble princess once used it... [Got Tina's Staff]
Tina's staff is the last of the manga references, and it's an E-rank staff that heals [Mag+15] HP. Pretty handy.

Enemy nomad troopers are apparently robots. Seriously, look at that skin.
B-b-but adding realistic skin tones would mean adding a ninth color!

Roy remains surprisingly useful, considering he's only using an Iron Sword, and the nomad is in a forest.
See what I mean?

Ray gets a pretty awesome level off the cavalier.

I don't remember if I've pointed this out yet, but fun fact about nomads: They don't count as mounted units for the purposes of effective damage. They're designated as mounted on the status screen and get all the perks that come with that, but they laugh at your Horseslayers and such. Roy should be doing an extra 10 damage here.
Man, they really hate archers. A bow/Sword using class that's mounted with being treated as mounted, totally doesn't invalidate normal archers.
I also always forget this and have to change my strategy on the fly

Hugh softens up the Bolting asshole for a borderline shit level.

Bolting your way out of this, asshat.

That sure is a Fa level.
This one could go Fa - no wait fuck that one relies on a mispronunciation but thats probably how people read it anyway shit Im probably overthinking this

First set of reinforcements is cavaliers from back where we started. Echidna and Fir are standing by to deal with them.

The implications of Fog of War are very strange sometimes. I know there's a guy here, because he tried to shoot Bors with the ballista last turn. The ballista that you can see on the map regardless of how far you are from it. And yet, nothing.
Missed Trick game-mechanics wise; the ability to blindly attack into any obscured space. If its a ranged attack and you dont end the turn with the supposed enemy in visual range, you dont get to know if it hit or how much damage it did if it did.

In the north, Saul, Hugh, Shin, and Fa are working their way south to the castle. Those thieves are reinforcements that popped up in case you managed to kill off the first one by the Bolting sage.


His axe has to strike through interference caused by Fir

Cute. Real cute.

Fuck it, nuclear option go.

And there's the guest of honor tonight.

He hasn't changed from Chp 12, but he's a hell of a lot less menacing now. The Silver Lance hurts, but it's only going to land once unless you're fielding someone really slow, and he has a Javelin to ensure he mostly goes after ranged attackers anyway.

A couple turns after the cavaliers stop, nomads start popping out of the north fortresses. Still nothing to be really concerned about unless you left Astol too close or something.

Bite me, horse boy.

Saul starts off the opening salvo against Arcard.

Divine really is the best tome for Saul, considering its description is "Heaven's Judgement."
If only he could use Judge from FE10...

How do you miss a dragon? Come on, that's just sad Arcard.
Fa never stops being adorable

How is that even a dragon, she's like a giant chicken waddling out of the way

Shin chips down Arcard a little for a very bad level.

This is for everything on the Western Isles, asshole.

It's scary to consider that is probably her worst level to date.
Now, with Arcard dead, we wait out the rest of the reinforcements and head over to the arena. I didn't do a lot of training, get everyone up to 20/5 or so if they weren't there already. Thar be level dumps here:
Oh yeah, and Saul got to grind the hell out of his Light rank while everyone trotted their way back to the castle.
I...may have gone a little overboard with him, but he is up to Light-A now. Plus, that's maxed Skill and Speed.

Looks like this all went rather well! Well, except for Hugh, but whatever, I guess.
[insert suggestion that this is possible because Im not stealing all the +1s anymore]
Or maybe it's just because our standards have lowered enough that even when we only have two levels with more then three +1s, it's still much better then it could have been.

Klein vs. Arcard

Douglas vs. Arcard