Part 62: Bonus 8 - Chapter 20Ax: The Frozen Spear
Bonus 8 - Chapter 20Ax: The Frozen Spear...located on the outskirts of the land. Here, another Divine Weapon lay sleeping in the frozen wastes.
Wait, are they frozen wastes or ancient ruins? Decide!

The walls are admittedly a bit more durable than those soldiers, but theyre unarmed!

*The game likes to call it Marte. Or Martre. Or Malte. Consistency may not be a thing, but at least this one was moderately close to the actual name this time.

And with one little map design choice, everything goes straight to hell. The walls themselves are nothing to write home about - there's a lot of them, but they've got 40 HP a piece and you really only have to carve one path for each team. The enemies also aren't too dangerous, though there are a pair of Brave weapons and some Killer weapons floating around.
Oh. So much for the walls being durable then.
No, the real problem with this level are these motherfuckers right here. The left has Berserk, the right Sleep, with 19 magic a piece. Which gives them an effective range of...
...I dunno, somewhere around there? Even ignoring enemies, we have to pass through a minimum of four walls just to reach the center where we can carve up these assholes, which means a minimum of four turns - more, more likely than not. Once we get in range, we can try silencing them, but Niime is hardly the most durable person around, and we don't have three people worth using with Staves-C for the Restore staff so one group is either on their own or can't advance at all lest they attract the attention of our friends here. And the kicker is that this is all dependent on your staff person of choice not getting sleep'd/berserked themselves.
Almost a decade later, someone in IntSys would have the idea of maybe allowing Restore staves to passively cure their wielders.
And that brings us to this guy. He's very important for making our lives easier. See, he has a longbow, and once we liberally apply some Bolting to the archer and myrmidon, that druid will be the lowest-defense unit in his range. Assuming his first shot lands, he should ignore the shamans right above the druids since he's just strong enough to 2HKO the Berserk druid. Admittedly, this plan relies on the AI doing what it's supposed to, but if there's one thing you can count on the AI doing, it's going after kills. Let's hope they're as bloodthirsty among themselves as they are against the player.
Well... actually, the one thing you can rely on the AI doing is inconveniencing the player. Well just have to see whether or not its capable of handling its own Berserked units as consistently as it handles the Players.

For the corner teams, turn 1 is mostly setup and staying out of the Danger Zone. Lugh will be running in to drop a lightning bolt or two, but Lance has just enough movement to rescue him and get the hell out.

So far as I can tell, this is about the only real use Eclipse has. Usually it'd be a lot more appealing, but since these walls only have 40 HP instead of 100, it's not even that much of a time saver. Geese actually cracks the wall open and stands guard this turn.
Thats right. IntSys have found a way to annoy you by making an obstacle less resilient. Youve really gotta hand it to them.

Lugh sets the stage for our grand plan.

Hey look at that. If you got a few more of these, maybe people would use Gonzales less.

Let's get to work, son.

If there's one thing classier than arrow-spinning, it's bow-spinning, and Bartre picks up some more speed for the effort.

Berserk-bro, you're alright.

Its also possible that sometimes the AI does take hit odds into account. Who knows, man?

Thany briefly slips into the Danger Zone, but she's not having any of his shit. She's in a position where there's only one space that can target her, so this guy blew it for both status ailments.

Unfortunately for him, that put him in Silence range.

No sleep for you, asshole.
Staff-Assholery can basically only be cured with other Staff-Assholery. Its a vicious cycle.

The Brave Sword is kind of heavy, but come on, this is goddamn embarrassing. Doubling with a 96% accurate Elfire against a swordmaster? With Lilina? Gotta step up your game, Bern.

With our berserk friend not quite dead yet, Fa and Elphin are the only ones who can safely brave the Danger Zone.

The murderchicken is happy to oblige.
never gets old

And of course, I forget that Niime was also in the Danger Zone. That could have been really bad.

Its actually a little sad that hes going to die despite his service to our cause.

With our berserk friend gone and the sleep guy out of commission, the corner teams are free to get to work.

From here on out, it's basically just murdering our way to the center. Not the most exciting course of events.

This solves our second problem for good, so all that's left to do is get to and kill the boss.

I don't recall saying we were done with you.

His buddy has something to say about that, but he can't hit anything. Geese encourages him to reconsider by putting an axe in his head.

In one of those "Just because I can" moments, I also berserk the Killing Edge swordmaster right next to the boss.
Oh now thats just excessive.

If it's worth anything, I'd be really confused too, Teck.

Frankly, Im astounded that, given some of the mechanical details attended to in later Fire Emblems, IntSys dont have any dialogue, even generic dialogue, that acknowledges Berserked enemies turning on their fellow soldiers.

I...may have helped her along a bit, but look at those numbers. Look at them!

Still gotta watch out for

Sorry to interrupt, but I can't have you stealing my kill.

Teck is a joke. With the exception of his Res, Roartz was better in basically every way.
Now, I think we can all agree that there's only one way to appropriately send off our side trip into Ilia.

That is, of course, to have Thany solo the boss. My only regret is that I never got her any supports. Just imagine how much more terrifying she could, nay, should be!

Take us home, sister.

you keep on flappin that sword, Thany.

And so, the tale of Thany the Magnificent comes to a close.

So hey, remember that "plot" thing? How Guinevere was telling us why the hell all this is happening in the first place? Let's get the conclusion to that story.

The word resolve can be employed in a great variety of contexts. The two lines above are none of these.

Next time: Bern at last. The Shrine of Seals awaits!