Part 28: Chapter 14x: Freedom - Part 1



I couldn't find Cohda's portrait anywhere online, so I learned how to make one myself. I'm not saying this to brag, rather to inform you that generic villagers and such will be represented with portraits from now on, rather than just emoticons.



We've got ourselves some fog of war yet again, and although they haven't shown up yet, we'll soon have ourselves an escort mission too, protecting 6 civilian units. That said, we don't actually get punished for not saving them, but rather get rewarded with Stamina Drinks for saving them.
Linoan joins us at the very start of this mission, bringing a lot of staffs with her. While her Torch staff will be very useful in the upcoming chapter, the only new staff here is her Restore staff, which finally lets us cure status effects.
We have 9 open slots, however, Dean is being force deployed. So, chose 8 characters from: Marty, Safy, Lara, Asvel, Othin, Havan, Ronan, Tina, Carion, Fergus, Olwen, Shiva, Makua, Bryton, Fred, Pahn, Glade, and Homer. Up to date character status can be found here.
Fatigue Counter:
Marty: 6/53
Safy: 5/15
Lara: 8/32
Asvel: 8/35
Othin: 22/41
Havan: 9/39
Ronan: 3/34
Tina: 1/14
Dean: 2/36
Homer: 5/25
Karin: Fatigued
Nanna: Fatigued
Marita: Fatigued
Fin: Fatigued
Seram: Fatigued
Musings: Ronan isn't a great unit, but we know we're up against Pegasus Knights, and Pegasus Knights don't fare too well against bows...
We're not quite done yet though, keep reading to my next post for a big ol' mess of voting.