Part 10
Well, it's time for the next mission.
Seems I didn't even have to ignore the vote that I didn't actually call for this time. We're heading to sunny Russia! Or former-Russia, as you'll see.

independence from Russia at the turn of the century.

There's been a lot of that going on in the past decades.

All a matter of resources, really. That's why they built that orbital elevator, Atlas, back in the day.

The magic of politics.

So, what exactly are we supposed to be doing here?

Let's see... Ah ha. The Boruktan army's engaged in an all-out war with an anti-government guerilla force. Not a million miles from what happened in Bergen.
Well, the only war there was Albert blowing up everyone else because he's the only good Wanzer pilot in the world apparently.

We've been hired by the rebel side.

We're siding with the rebels? ...I don't like this one bit.

Still thinking of the Colonel, huh? Don't sweat it. The rebels aren't always the bad guys.

I guess so...

The Major's counting on me!
Brenda's out for now and Clark is in. I gave him the Harby-GL. It's his version of our Harby-G Wanzer. You don't need to buy Vernier units or anything, that all comes standard.
This is what he'll look like in action. And what action there shall be!

... See anything?

Afraid not, ma'am.
That's better, Clark.

...All right. Let's sweep the area.

No response on the radio, either.

Sure we're in the right place?

Positive. Let's continue on a bit further.
And by that, she means "Get out and shoot something, you lazy bum!"
Might as well.
Boom! Boom! Explosions!
Loud questions!?
Important character a-fucking-lert!

Are you a mercenary too?

Some would say so. The name's Genoce.

Can't say I've heard of you... Haven't been in this line of work for too long, though.
Albert's leaving one hell of a first impression.

THIS is the best Johansen could come up with? I'd laugh if it weren't so tragic.

Look... maybe you can help me. We've been trying to contact the rebels since we arrived, but so far we haven't gotten so much as a peep out of them. What's going on?

You're being tested. The radar site up ahead's about to be attacked by government forces. He's waiting to see how you do before opening contact. Do what you can. I've wasted too much time on you already.
Genoce isn't making himself look very good, either, really.

Brenda, what do you think?

Sounds pretty far-fetched to me.

...Oh well. I'm going to check things out.

This guy can hover and shoot at you. That's all he does.
This one acts the same as the spider-like Wanzers in Cenktrich.
In any event, walk walk walk to the Radar Site.
"-guys what's going on?"

This area's swarming with enemy Wanzers! What the hell are you still doing here?

What's it look like, wiseguy? If we don't get this radar site up and running, our intel division won't be able to keep track of enemy movements.

Enough! You've got to get out of here!

Forget it! We've got our orders! If some of us have to die to get this thing operational, so be it!

Unbelievable... Is this how the rebels operate?
After that, all the soldiers die and some enemies show up. I don't mean the enemies shoot the soldiers, I mean tat after that last line of dialogue they simultaneously and immediately die for no reason. THEN the enemies show up. It's just a tougher version of the flying guys. You need to kill a handful of them.
Note that I actually used the Upward Vulcan. It's stronger than I remembered t being, and I'm happy about that. I've got a point in mind where you'll really get to see it in action, though.

That's the last of them... Unbelievable! They just left those engineers to die!
You know what? Albert says "unbelievable" a lot, too.
That's more than enough for an event that is near and dear to my heart...
MORE Vulcan upgrades
and a new special weapon. The Spark Shot is somewhat hard to describe, but it shoots a beam that anchors onto an enemy and damages them over time. It goes through shields, like the laser, and is quite powerful. It only uses ammo when dealing damage, so you can hold down the button and hit enemies faster than you could normally react.

I finally got a response!

You must be...

Indeed! I am Johannsen. Allow me to welcome you on behalf of the resistance!

Is that all you've got to say?
"Well, I was going to tell you your mission..."

Where the hell were the reinforcements? Your men never stood a chance!

Heh, heh... impressed? Our soldiers fear nothing... not even death! They'll sacrifice everything in order to accomplish their mission!

You can't be serious!

I don't expect you to understand. Just worry about the job you've been given, hmm?

Albert... I understand your feelings, but we are mercenaries.

...Fine. What do you want us to do?

The army recently employed a new weapon, code-named "Tchernenko."
Googleing it only got me this man.

It's a powerful, highly maneuverable machine... One that's cost many of our comrades their lives. My men are searching for this weapon as we speak. Until they find it, you will assist us in our operations. That is all!
"Your mission is to blow things up while we find a giant super-weapon that's killing us all. It's very hard to spot!"

Yes, sir.
The other area is called "Mount Bartov." We'll visit these two areas next time. I'll also be buying new equipment as soon as a shop becomes available here. See you all then!