Part 11

Originally I wanted to go to Mount Bartov for a certain thing, but on second thought, going for the shop is a much better idea.
He sure calmed down fast.
Well, I'm sure your employer would appreciate... actually, not Johansen. Sorry.

Supposedly, this level was originally called the 'Bechua River Bridge' but had to be cut down for space reasons in English. There are a few levels like that. This is just according to the guide on GameFAQs, though.

...What's wrong? What are you doing out here?

army attack... I... managed to escape because I was at the rear with the supply Wanzer, but...
"Yes, go on."
But you survived! You were the only one who DIDN'T fail!
Oh for FUCK'S sake stop ending every sentence with an ellipses! It doesn't even make sense in that context!

Pew pew pew nothing new or interesting here. I mean, I guess Emil heals you a bit if you let him. No points for guessing the next partner, by the way.

Looks like we managed to drive them off.

"Weren't you paying attention?"

Clark gaining levels will increase his HP and eventually allow him to use better Wanzers, as well.

Brenda is channeling Peppy Hare, here.
Are we talking about the same Johansen here?

So, uh... the game won't let me continue without beating Mount Bartov. I think I was supposed to go here first. That explains a few things.
Despite the fact that this mountain doesn't seem to hold any strategic significance.

along Mount Bartov. Use them for shelter if things get too hot.
And hot they shall get. This is the toughest mission so far.

We've got rebel Wanzers inbound!
Three choppers to take out. They have lots of health, to start with. They can bomb you, which is very damaging. They also drop small Wanzers to pester you with. They also never run out despite the fact that the Wanzers are half the size of the helicopter. I assume the hangar is shaped like an infinity symbol.

After a long and grueling fight in which I use most of my Upward Vulcan and lose most of my health. That's from one of the three.

I'm surprised nobody told me to use this baby when I found it. These guns are rare and not sold in most shops, but they pack a punch. It's much like the hidden napalm gun in Cybernator, actually. Slow to fire but very damaging. I'll show it off sometime, if you all like.

I was able to take the second chopper out from the cave by shooting when it came down to drop off a Wanzer. I took less damage, but I was still in critical shape. I retreated to the tunnels to hopefully find health, because my honor as a player of video games denied me the ability to use consumable items except against bosses.

No, dammit. That's not health.


There actually is a health refill, but its located in a narrow tunnel so you can only get it on foot. Meaning you can only restore your on-foot health with it. Who's idea was that?

Clark loves to run over mines. Loves it. I had to order him to retreat before he destroyed his Wanzer, forcing me to buy a new one.

Ow. Let me try that again.

Eat shit you son of a bitch!

I also found this.

Brenda offers Albert a pick-up, but he declines to check out the rest of the area for delicious item boxes.

Like this.

That was well worth the pain.

Your MONEY is appreciated. Oh!
The least YOU could do is NOT show your ugly face! Oh!

We got some more side areas, and we can finally access Rebel HQ... next time!
So, should I switch to the Napalm Gun or keep the laser or what?