Part 12

Alright. After a little diversion, it's finally time to go to the hidden rebel base! Well, it's actually not hidden at all, but you know what I mean.

God, I hope so. He had enough time while we went off destroying helicopters.

The last bunch of rebels had a base just like this one. Nicer, even. Three of them, even.
This is bullshit and an obvious set-up, but okay!

Now you can see just how we deal with failure!
Young MAN, just in case you were having trouble deciding.
Hey, AndyAML, I'm seeing a resemblance here.

This isn't a very good firing squad. The one in the back is just going to shoot the guy in front of him.
You now have unlimited time to walk up to Emil. Nobody will try to stop you.

I'm Superman and I can fly!

I'm Spider-Man and I can climb walls!

I'm Garfield and I hate Mondays but LOVE TO DANCE!
Alright, I'll cut the stupid ropes.

"Fire? I don't see any fire." "Do you think we should shoot him before he leaves?" "Well, we weren't ordered to. Johansen just keeps saying something's on fire."
He's a very unforgiving man if you get ambushed. If you actually go ahead and act against him he's a fucking priest.


It's time to go shopping!

Lots of new stuff. I got the new Wanzer and Vernier unit. The Vernier is a huge improvement over the first model. You can gain lots of height and hover for an extended period of time. I wanted the new shield but after restocking and buying a bazooka I had basically no money left. So I figured I'd do some side missions.

your way. Stay sharp!
Yes, we KNOW to stay sharp!

This level is forced scrolling. This very powerful helicopter harasses you the entire time, but it worth big money/prizes/I love it if you destroy it. If you reach the end without killing it, you get jack. Guess what happened to me after I used all my vulcan ammo?
Check the new Wanzer, though.

Yes, this is wonderful. This is what I wanted to happen when I am low on supplies.

under rebel control.

Hopefully this place will prove more profitable.

These adorable little guys can lob grenade-things, shoot normally, and do some sort of head butt or something if you get close. It knocks you back, anyway.

This is the normal enemy of the area. Just an armour-level-2 version of the little jumping Wanzers.

Why the fuck do they even bother doing shit like this?

Clark gained a level, too, but I'm not showing it just yet...

...because I went back in and cleared this area several more times for money and EXP.

Come on game give me a new laser.

Clark gained this many levels. He got the ability to upgrade to a Stinger-L, as you can see.
Alright, that's it for now. Have a good day, everyone! I might appreciate people keeping the thread moving for me, so if you're enjoying it and haven't said hello, please do as it will make me like you a lot. Sorry about the lack of special-weapon showing, but they're expensive! I'll at least use the ones I have the next time I make a video, I promise.