Part 14

You haven't dragged God into any- ohhh. Never mind.
You'd think that would be viewed as somewhat important.

Be careful!
Seems her radar starts picking up new things every few minutes. Wouldn't it be more useful if it could pick up everything at once?

So, here's your anti-tank mines in a terrain where you'd never find tanks. Suspicious.

These are like mines except they shoot at you. So I guess they're nothing like mines.

Alright! And all it cost me was my face!

This... automatically targets enemies for you, I think. It's a consumable item, either way.

Approaching these mines causes a little turret to pop up and shoot you a few times. All these traps count as kills, with EXP and money, by the way. Not much, though.

Then they run towards each other and embrace.
They were a really horrible idea. We'd have never even picked you up with Brenda's incredibly picky radar if not for those.
"Well, yes. But..."
Thank you, game. I wasn't sure if Albert was actually talking during this monologue, or staying silent.
"That gun won't kill him fast enough! Use THIS gun.

I think Albert says something like "YOU!" here but I missed the shot.

It's a robot conga line I've got going on here.

Just establishing that I was shooting him in the chest throughout this entire conversation.
"If YOU ignore orders, you're a rookie. If I do it, I'm cool."

But Emil's still in his country.
That's not even a request. It's a suggestion.
"On one hand, he's kind of annoying. On the other hand, I get to boss someone else around."
He really can't think of any reason why it would benefit Albert? In any other script he would have mentioned his repair Wanzer at least.

Like I said, mines don't give much. They don't fight back much, either, of course.

Alright, Emil. Rule 1: When you end a sentence, you use one period. Not three. ONE.
"No, I want you to bake it a cake OF COURSE YOU'RE TO DESTROY IT!"
He has a point.

I have a better idea. Let's go over here and gain some delicious EXP.

I figure I should use him at least once.

Helicopters. These ones are easy to take out. They only shoot at you, and unlike the other ones, they aren't bigger on the inside.

This is... well it's basically the first boss of U.N. Squadron. I used the bazooka on it, but couldn't get any good screenshots.

Dammit, Emil.

Here's what Emil repairing you looks like.

A pretty good run.
So, 2-player. The obvious idea is basically to do some more VLP-ish videos, yes? I'm a bit worried about that, though, because my computer isn't very good and if I make a video longer than about 2-minutes or so with Camstudio I start to get desync. I've spent a lot of time trying to get videos that stay in sync and don't look like crap, but I've never really been able to. I'm considering my options right now.
For the record, I don't want to ever do any major plot points in video alone. I might skip the shots of a boring side area, but I'll always offer both for important things.
Anyway, for now the question is: should I use the guy who kinda shoots enemies a bit sometimes, or the guy who kinda heals me a bit sometimes?