Part 17
As a side note, that music made me play Jackal. It's quite good.
Alright, the last area is...
The Al Hari desert!
I just said that.

Didn't these countries sign a peace treaty around the turn of the century?

Hasn't stopped 'em from spending the last 10 years killing each other.
Oh, I get it. You see the situation in these made-up countries is similar to the situation in some real ones. It's very clever and political.

The big players here are the Alliance of the Red Sea and the Zohar Alliance. We've been hired by the ARS.

10 years, huh? Hell of a long time... Do they really think we alone can do anything about it?
Keeping up with the conversation: Albert!

Nothing else has worked, has it?

You seriously think so?
"NOTHING has worked? You believe that?"

With what they're paying us, I'll risk being optimistic.

I figured.

Oh, C'mon! I know you can do this! Let's get going!
I'd say she's being really optimistic, but we've been destroying entire armies left and right since the game started.

Quite a dust storm down there.

Makes you long for the green forests of home...

What's that big structure?
Do you really not know what a dam is, Albert?

That's the Qasala Dam. It supplies water to the entire area.
What? It supplies water? Not power? Does it magically make water somehow?

That thing's loaded with top-of-the-line technology. ...ARS headquarters would be around here. Let's set down and take a look.
It's pretty hard to miss. Am I the only one who sees these giant buildings?

It's definitely seen better days.

It's been nearly a decade.

What could be worth fighting for for so long?

Kind of a strange question, coming from a merc.

Well, yeah...
Well, actually no, but whatever.
You wouldn't happen to have... you know what? Forget it.

and grit buildup!
Gah! You're some sort of clone army like in Star Wars!

Welcome, we've been expecting you.
He's awfully pale for a man who lives in the desert.

Are you commander Safad?

That is correct. I'll be brief. This conflict has driven both of our sides to exhaustion over the years... Now we've gotten word that the Zohar Alliance is putting its resources into the development of a new weapon which they believe will assure them of a final victory... at any cost.
That's... really not very good intelligence. It basically just amounts to "They're making a weapon!" Whoever told them this failed to tell them anything about it or the plans for its use.

We suspect they may be planning to attack the Qasala Dam. Under these circumstances, we must take immediate action.
Well, I'm bored. Don't mind my dicking around, carry on.

Our intelligence specialist has all the details. Sadly, he was caught by Zohar agents and is now being detained at an unknown location.
You couldn't have asked him for any more information before that happened?

Your task is to find him, then destroy the weapon.
What if I accidentally destroy it before I find him?

I'd hate to think of how many civilian lives would be lost if that dam blows.

Indeed. I've made sure the munitions dealer in the desert will supply your weaponry for the lowest possible price. Be sure to check in with him.
He's not kidding. Prices are 10% lower in this area.

Sure thing! And this specialist we're to rescue... What's his name?

Luvenn Al-Habi. His code name is "Bomber".
That's a dumb code name. I bet he's a moron.

We'll do our best.

Good question... This whole area's one big desert...
No shit.

We should scout for signs of recent Alliance activity. That'll give us something to track.

Good call!
There are two ways to go, but since the other way is a rather... involved level. I'll head in this direction for now.
A new area means new scenery and new enemies. Except these guys just throw grenades at you. Why bother making a different sprite in every area for the same enemy?
Here, too, are the basic fodder Wanzers for this area.
I'm pretty sure they can. I mean, that's the laser's only advantage and I'm going to be making full use of it.
See? Moron.
Not much to say about this one.

Whoa! Look at the size of THAT!

What's up?

We have a large contact due north, sir. I suspect it may be some manner of vehicle.

You've got to be kidding me!

It's got to be an Alliance weapon. Let's check it out!
Holy shit it's a sandcrawler it's going to sell me droids if it doesn't shoot me dead. Or since this is the SNES I might have to fight a lava monster or something inside it. Fuck that.

My weapons can't even dent the damn thing.
"Although it would help if it wasn't in the background."

Don't sweat it. It's not like they're paying us to destroy it. Let's keep going!
This is just absurd. Next time is THE MYSTERY OF THE SANDCRAWLER!