Part 18
We're out of other options, after all.

Albert! I just intercepted a request for reinforcements!

In this sector?

Yeah. Looks like our guys took a beating.

Let's lend a hand.

It was a goddamn massacre!
Do you think it's always sunset at Sunset Hill or is this a coincidence?
These guys shoot missiles. Oh, and someone left their Wanzer impaled on a pole, there. A lot of them, actually.

Brenda? Are you picking this up? This is...

Yeah... Looks like somebody deliberately skewered those wrecked Wanzers.

...hanging their victims out on display. Who'd be capable of something like this?

Who knows? Wars like this'll do strange things to people.

Hope we never get that far gone...

Did you really think you could get past here?
Ummm what?

"That's a computer game!"

Then those Wanzers... are your work?

Oh, yes. How better to express my hate and contempt?

Why... why do such a thing?

Does it matter? This is war!

But such brutality from a...woman...?
He doesn't sound sure.

You know what it's like, do you? To lose your husband and child?
I think she's calling him gay, guys.

You wouldn't begin to understand!


But I know the truth now. Cruelty...? Cruelty is the essence of humanity! There's no hope for us. All that's left is to kill... kill and kill... until I too can die in peace!

Boss fight video at the end of this post.
Then she attacks you with her ram-plane. If you have a computer partner, you might as well tell them to leave now as they can't dodge for shit.
See the green part? That's her weak point, and you can only damage her while it is exposed. She'll shoot at you and try to ram you. Furthermore, after taking some damage she goes completely nuts and starts acting very erratically. She's tough, because if she catches you the right way she can pretty much take you out completely. Well, eventually she goes down.
So I notice your hair doesn't match your sprite's hair.

Hurry up and finish me! If you expect me to plead for my life...
Welcome to cliché theatre.

Look, I'm not going to kill you. I just need some information about a prisoner of yours.
Well, not her specifically. She seems like a "take no prisoners" type.

Ha! I see... As long as I still am of use to you... Forget it! You're not getting anything out of me.

You realize your people are planning to destroy the Qasala Dam?
"Oh, I'm not with them. I just like killing."

Don't be stupid! What would they have to gain from that?

I'm afraid it's the truth.
"Well, we're pretty sure, anyway."

I'm not falling for it. ...Kill me now and be done with it!

...Waste of time. Guess we'll have to keep searching.

Why won't you kill me? Why...?
We didn't even get a bonus. I mean really.

I don't know... She's right, though. War brings out the worst in all of us. But what's the alternative? You can either fight, or sit and watch as others...


Never mind. We've got more pressing concerns. She seemed pretty convinced about the dam, though...

I'll say. The Alliance is doing a damn good job of keeping its forces in the dark. Shame... I'd bet money she knows where "Bomber" is being held.

It's out of our hands. Let's just move on.
To a generic level!
Look at those enemies. Little jeeps and flea Wanzers. That's adorable.
In the interest of saving myself some work: I got 31 kills. 1480 funds and 492 EXP.
I missed a few shots here, sorry. It goes something like.

I can't stop thinking about Camilla.

Same here.

Think she's still hanging around that Wanzer graveyard?
Well she didn't exactly have a ride. We left her in the middle of the desert with no way of getting anywhere. Heh.

Even if... she's not going to help us.

She's the only lead we have. It's worth a shot.

I'm picking up something below.
It's hard to tell, but I'm actually hovering over Sunset Hill again.

Again? Look, we don't have much time.

Here. Take a look at this.

What is it?

Small arms fire...But I'm only getting Wanzers on the scope. See?
I don't really understand the significance of this.

Alright. Let's have a look.

here somewhere...
Note that the game took us to the end of the level automatically.

We'd better give her a hand before those soldiers get her. Come on!
The soldiers have no aim, seeing as how they can't hit her even though she doesn't move. Anyway, PEW PEW I blew them all up.

You saved my life.

You deserted?

I had no choice after learning the truth. Now that I know what the Alliance plans to do, they're hell-bent on silencing me at any cost.
Jesus, you figured it out fast. We only did one mission in the intervening time.

What were you doing out here, anyway?

Burying the men I killed... Trying to atone for what I've done. I finally realized what a waste of life this war is... Sorry... I doubt you wanted to hear that.
"I live only for killing? What? My army wants to KILL people? I am instantly sane!"

We're listening, already! Christ!

I realize what we're doing isn't always right...

Still... To spare someone who had just moments earlier threatened your life... Maybe there's still hope for us after all.

I'm just glad we won't have to fight again.
"Because you were one hard boss, let me tell you."

You mentioned a prisoner...

Yeah. An ARS operative investigating the new weapon.
"You didn't happen to find out what it was, did you?"

Command would keep him close by, then. If he's really that important... of course! Galeon!


The Alliances mobile fortress. I managed to get my hands on a opy of the blueprints while looking for more information on that new weapon. Here. You'll need these if you're serious about getting inside.


That's all I can do for you... Please, don't let them destroy the dam.

I wont!
She gets back to... pawing at the sand.
Anyway, 10 kills for this mission gave me 650 dollars and 180 EXP. Nothing to write home about.

Me too.

Why is the Alliance trying to hush up their plans?

The Qasala Dam's destruction would hurt both sides.
So why are they doing it?

No soldier in their right mind would support it. Come on! There's no time to waste!
Well, I think you can guess where Galeon is. I went to do a little training first.
Fuck yes! That's the upgrade I've been waiting for! Tomorrow is my "day off" from this, if you hadn't noticed me not updating on Saturdays. I need it, too. I'm still open to play 2p with anyone if you like, and I'm going to mess around with some things on my side. Have a good day! I'm off to see the Metroid Prime 3 preview channel!
For the first time, it's a working 2p video with commentary. Glazius and I beat Sunset Hill the first time around, including the boss. Check it out on
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