Part 22
Here are some fun specs for you.

What exactly do you hope to gain by traveling with us?

Good question. There's a lot happening on the battlefield these days, though. I'm sue there'll be something of interest to me.

That's a real winner we've picked up, there.

Actually, I've heard a thing or two about your country, recently. Seems Bergen's on a war footing now that the army's taken over.


Sounds like Ark, all right.

But there's plenty of other hotspots in the world. Anyway, thanks for letting me tag along.

Sure... and thanks for your help.
Having second thoughts about agreeing to this, Albert?

Well, Luven. Looks like I owe you an apology. And here's me thinking you were just another self-important macho.

So you finally succumbed to the ol' Al-Habi charm, eh?

Then again...
And so begins the long flight back to New York. I bet Luven spent the whole time talking about all his spy adventures, glossing over all the times he's been caught slash blown himself up.

Thought we'd lost you for sure.

Quite the vote of confidence.

No offense, son. Hell, half our mercs die while they're still rookies.
Brenda is a lot like the Robin to Albert's Batman in that when she says something, people ignore her and pretend Albert said it.

And the other half?

They become veterans... THEN they die. But hey, you made it this far!

Uh... thanks. Did my parents send anything back yet?

...I wish I didn't have to say this, son. Truth is... They never got your letter.

What do you mean?

The man I sent to deliver it wasn't able to find them, so he started around, and... Well, it turns out they were arrested and... executed.


This... can't be happening!
Just kidding! It was real.

Now, he wasn't able to investigate very thoroughly, so there might still be a...

That's it! Brenda, we're going back! Enough is enough!

...All right. But if your parents really are dead... There's not much we can do.

I don't care! I'm going to tear that bastard apart! Just give me one chance...
If he could keep this attitude up for more than 60 seconds I'd be getting pretty pumped right now.

Just a minute, son! You think we're going to foot the bill for your little vendetta?
Since when have you ever footed any of our bills?


No big deal. We'll just have to finance this one ourselves.

Be careful. I'll have more work for you when you've taken care of your business.
Richard has nothing but confidence even though Albert's about to take on an entire army alone because, dammit, that's how Albert rolls.
The new carrier let's me hold more ammo, healing items, and fuel. I also got the new rocket launcher. This used up most of my cash, but it's worth it.

Or we can train up for awhile longer. Your call.
I choose revenge!

Ark! You're mine!

I've got my own score to settle with that creep...
And you'll settle it by ferrying Albert around.

So you're finally home, Albert...

Hard to believe it's only been six months...
What? It has?

Feels like I've been gone forever.

Nice enough place.

You can smell the fear in the air... it's not what we left all those months ago.

Drop me off here.

All right. Just be on alert. I have a bad feeling about this.

I'll continue on foot.
Why do you even bother saying things like that any more?

You sure?
"Because it's a horrible idea."

Yeah. My parents' house isn't too far from here.
Or it WAS their house. Since they're dead and all.

The doors locked. Could it be...?
That they're dead? Yes.

Mr. Rinker! Remember me? I used to live next door...
"Remember the guy who was all over TV? The traitor? Yeah, it's me"

Why did you come back? You're a wanted man. You'll be killed if they find you!
"Oh, no. You see, while I've been gone I've destroyed entire armies and giant Wanzers single-handedly. I'll be fine."

I came for my parents. Where are they?
Dead, Albert. Remember?

Your parents.........
Yep. Nine dots.

What's wrong?

...They're dead, Albert. Colonol Hellbrand personally ordered their execution.


I'm so sorry...

President Orwen! Where's President Orwen! He can prove I'm innocent!

It's no use... He's abdicated in favor of the Colonel.

Abdicated? By Orwen would never...
What did you think happened when he had a gun to his head and six months late the army is in control? Did the flight here make you forget everything you ever knew about anything?

This country's finished. Save yourself while you still can! I'd best be going. If they see me talking to you...
And then he leaves.

This is insane! And I couldn't do a damn thing to help them...

Attention, all units! I've found Albert! Send support immediately!

Damn it!
Has anyone ever told your Wanzer that is has huge knees? Well... I'll just be running along, then.

Don't give up yet! I'm bringing the carrier around! Meet me outside the city!
Ok, but first I'm going to shoot this guy a bunch.

The ground units will have to finish the job!
These guys? Yeah, good luck with that.
Uh oh.

Looks like you've made some powerful enemies here... Colonel Hellbrand wants you dead.

Genoce! What are you doing here?

I'm a mercenary. I go wherever the money is. Nothing personal, Albert... but business is business.
And clichés are clichés.

Ark Hellbrand is a traitor, Genoce! Can you really follow his orders with a clean conscience?

My conscience doesn't bother me... as long as the money's right!
So we have to fight him. He jumps around and shoots a lot. I dunno what else to say.

Watch the attitude!
"...young man or you can go straight to your room!"

Just because I don't murder people for money...
You pretty much do, Albert.

Ha! You're as green as the day we met. Still fighting with your emotions!

There's no use in us fighting here. You of all people should understand that!
Uh... why?

Spare me the amateur philosophizing.
Why does it feel like we're all having different conversations, here?

I'll get you next time!
I'm going to skip the spoils because as I mentioned in the last video, after playing through this part I accidentally overwrote my save state and had to do it again, so the numbers would be wrong.

I'm... I'm all right.

Damn them!

"He's finally snapped."

I have trouble believing Orwen'd work with Ark.

Think there's something else to this, ma'am?

Why don't we go ask the president?
Next time: Some badass shit happens.