Part 23
Time for Operation: Talk to the President.

That should be the president's office.

You just gonna barge right on in? Good luck convincing security that you aren't some kinda terrorist.

One slip-up and that's what we'll be. Sir, what if the president really is in league with Ark?

That's a possibility I'm not willing to accept, Clark. I'd sooner throttle Ark with my bare hands!
Alright! It's time to break into the Presidential Residence! This is going to be awesome!
Really? That's it? That's all you have to stop me? Well... I'm disappointed. I guess after he abdicated they replaced his security with this clone and possibly a very stern warning sign.
No, this is really all they have.

I'm sorry, sir. This is the only way we could meet. It's me, Albert. We tried to escape this country together...
"Well, we fucked that up."


Guards! What are you doing? Protect his Excellency!
They tried, but... well, I have a robot.

Felder... W-What should I do?

You're not... You're an imposter!
Big surprise there.

Hmph! If only that stubborn old mule had been as easy to manipulate as this cretin...

Then the real President is...

I don't have time to chat with you. Ark is too lenient for his own good. This simpleton can't possibly fend for himself!
Woah. She's saying that about the token Square-game maniac villain. That's how you know she's a real hardass.

You're working for the colonel?

THAT imbecile? Don't make me laugh!
Oh, I see you guys upgraded at some point.

What IS that idiot doing?

Albert! Get out of there, fast!


Come on! The presidential guard's already on its way!
I'm not even going to ask why they weren't actually guarding him.
Let's Play "Walking back to the start of the level!"
So much for my awesome break-in to rescue the president...

a fake.

No surprise there. I couldn't imagine Orwen cooperating with Ark.
Then why didn't you mention this possibility before? You're just trying to seem cool by saying "Oh yeah I knew that would happen."

So where does that leave the REAL Orwen?

If Ark's got half a brain, he'll keep him live. It'd be tough for him to keep his grip on Bergen without Orwen.
Your logic is flawed. Ark has, at most, a quarter of a brain.

All we have to do now is find him. Except...


The double was taking orders from a woman... She carried herself like an officer, but I know she isn't part of our army of government. So who is she?
Well, I mean, you've been gone six months... Nah, you're right. She's too competent for the army.

It's happening here, too. Somebody's working in the shadows...
Let's just get this out of the way.
Oh god my face why would you shoot me there?
Moving on...

This is Gwain.

I wonder what kind of reception we'll get here?
The same you get everywhere else?

We're still traitors until we rescue the President and clean this mess up. Anyway, let's get started.
Here's the only enemy in this level. It's attack is punching you. Hordes of these guys spawn every second and they all come running at you punching madly like a Punch-Out character on crack.
Get down here before you fall and break your neck!
He's back!

So! We meet once again! Fate can be cruel, eh Sergeant?

Fate...? ...After all you've done to this country? ...After what you did to my parents?
"...After what you did to my punctuation?"

Oh, yes. And this is just the start! Once this pathetic little nation's been taken care of, the REAL fun begins!

You bastard...

I'll see you burn in hell for this!

Ha ha HEEEEE! Too late! This country will soon be...

Felder here. Ark! What are you doing?
"Are you making another stupid monologue?"

HER again?

Commander? Stop bothering me! Cant you see I have WORK to do?

Do you know why I was sent here?

Oh, shut up! Let's go, Albert!
Insert the exact same fight as the last two times here.

Not bad at all.
It wasn't bad the last TWO TIMES either. You run away far too often, you know that?

End of the line, Ark!

So your luck finally ran out... Well, Colonel. I guess this is goodbye, isn't it? Don't worry, we'll take good care of Bergen for you.

D... DAMN you!

Looks like this game's gone a bit too far, hm? I'll take over for you. Fall back to base.
Speaking of people who keep running away...

Genoce! ...T... Thank god!

Who is this? One of Ark's men?

That voice... Royce!
Hey, that rhymes.

You! What are you doing here?

I thought I'd never see you again. I see you've done well for yourself...
Uh... guys?

I'm not the person I used to be... Do yourself a favor and stay out of my life!
I hate to interrupt this wonderful drama, but...


What was that all about?

Albert! Ark's getting away!

I'm on it!

You want the Colonel? You'll have to get past me, first!
Hey, yeah, wonderful. Let's just have another repeat boss fight. I don't mind. So I guss you'll be running away afterwords, then?

The Colonel has been evacuated.

Understood. We'll settle this later!

Damn it! Just a little longer and...

Cheer up! I managed to track Ark's escape route. He's at Bergen Army Headquarters.
The only surprising thing there is the fact that he got there so fast.

All right! I'm going after him!
That's 15 puncher-bots destroyed!
All good pieces of equipment.

If that woman was Ark's commander... Who's pulling the strings here?

Genoce recognized her?

More than that. It sounds like he'd been searching for her.

Just what is Genoce after?
Someone he can actually beat in a fight?

Damn it! Nothing's making sense...
But maybe they'll make more sense after the next episode? Probably not!