Part 25
I got this before going to the next level. Not for any particular reason.

If the President's still in custody, he'll be here.

And if he isn't?
Well then we're fucked, I suppose.

And... what about Ark?

I'm more concerned with finding Orwen right now. I just hope he's alive...
I get the feeling that killing Ark and saving Orwen are not necessarily mutually exclusive things.

We'll make a frontal assault on the main entrance and blast our way in!
Walking three steps to the left, we find...
Well, yeah. He was RIGHT THERE when you came in. Don't tell me you didn't see him.
Ark is already smoking when you find him, so this is a really pointless fight. It lasts about three seconds before he finally explodes. Sadly, Ark manages to magically escape mostly unharmed.
"Well, except into the base. But for you to get there I'd have to be a complete moron and let you get away!"

You... you think you can KILL me? You don't have it in you!

...Wrong. I may have traveled the world, but not a day went by that I didn't think about what would happen if I ever got my hands on you, Colonel. And now...

An awkward silence ensues for no real reason.

Not today, Sergeant. Not while Orwen is still in MY hands!

The President? He's alive?
And now that Albert has switched to idiot mode, Ark runs away and some soldiers come by to cover him. Way to go, champ.
Uh, guys? I'm back here... oh, forget it.
Ugh. Mortar Wanzers in enclosed spaces.
Hey, I remember breaking out of here. Oh, the memories.
Hilariously enough, this area only has wimpy little footsoldiers as enemies.
Here's that Bounce Shot I promised.
Uhh... what?

NORAD's new Sleipnir should be just the ticket!
Sleipnir is an eight-legged horse in Norse mythology. Why they gave that name to a slow-moving spider robot I'm not sure, except that spiders, as you know, also have eight legs. If you watch the video, Glazius brought it up but I hadn't looked it up yet so I wasn't sure.

What the HELL?

Give it up, Ark! It's over!
I love that reaction. "What the hell is... oh who cares, ARK I'LL KILL YOU!"


One move and Orwen's life it FORFEIT!


You coward!

Albert! Don't listen to him! Unless Ark dies, our country will never be free!
Oh, have you been LISTENING to him? I stopped after I realized how annoying he is.

He's right, you know. But you don't have the GUTS, do you? DO YOU?
Hey, Albert has guts, and he's got a piece of the Aggro Crag to prove it.
"Stupid cheap Wanzers blow up at the drop of a hat!"

trouble, Colonel.

Genoce! What are you PLAYING AT? Take care of the cretin!
Cretin? Is that seriously the best you can come up with?

Sorry, sir. I'm doing no such thing.
"I'll lose."

WHAT? You dare turn against ME?

You? You're trash playing at greatness, Colonel. This isn't betrayal, I'm just taking out the garbage.
I'm pretty sure it's both, Mr. Professional.

You... USED me? Of course! You only wanted to get closer to the society... DIDN'T YOU?

Albert! I'll take care of Orwen. Do what you want with him.

Genoce! What's going on? What society?

I... I can't die HERE...
Oh, I have been waiting a long time for this.
No more randomly capitalized words!
No more... did it's head just detatch? Uh... whatever. Where was I?
Most of all... No more of that stupid laugh!

The coup ends here.

...Albert! You did it! Your parents would be proud...
"If they weren't dead. Which they are. Did I mention how dead your parents are?"
Orwen's here. He's just... under my foot.

Gone. I don't think he had any intention of harming me. Once again, I owe you my life.

I did what I had to.
"And a few things I didn't. There was this particle cannon that I blew up: totally awesome. And..."

I heard about your parents. Still, take heart. With Ark gone, we can clear your name and start to rebuild our country.

Yeah. That puppet president caused a lot of damage...

Indeed. The military has gained much power since my imprisonment.

Sir... Do you know anything about a woman named Royce Felder? She may have something to do with the coup's planning.

I'm afraid not. You think this coup was organized by outside forces? That complicates the situation immensely...
"Into a whole second half of this game..."
Wow. That is a lot of cash.
Not quite so much EXP.
Armor Plate 3? Then why couldn't I find Armor Plate 2 in any shops?

Guess you can return to your old life now...


This is Orwen. What are your plans now, Albert? If you'd like to return to the army, I'd certainly...

I'm afraid not. I'm continuing my work with Kernelight.


I thought you might say that.

Somebody planned this coup.
Well, it kind of goes without saying. It's not like Ark was just driving to work one morning and accidentally staged coup.

If they're still out there, more people may lose their families... like I did. I can't allow that to happen.
Welcome to Albert's motivation for the rest of the game. He will not shut up about it any time soon

Understood. Of course, I'm disappointed you won't be coming home, but I won't stop you. Good luck!

Thank you, sir!

If you stay, they'd make you a captain at the very least...

No. There's too much we still don't know about Genoce, Felder, and the Society.
Since when does anyone with half a brain give two thirds of a flying fuck about Genoce?

I mean, I'm happy we can keep working together. It's just that...

Nah. Let's just stay focused on the job!

...that all you've got to say to him?

What SHOULD I be saying to him, Luven?

Whoa! Relax! But hey, at least my prediction came true, eh?
The thing about fighting insanity? What?

It sure did. What about the rest of you? We're in for a rough ride from here on out.

We can't go with you?

If you can accept the risks.

I'm staying, sir. I still have a lot to learn.

I could hardly abandon Ms. Lockheart, could I?

Don't I wish. Well, looks like we're in for the long haul.
To New york!

Rumour has it that you busted that coup single-handedly!

Single-handedly? Hardly.
"Clark helped."

At any rate, quite the accomplishment!

By the way... Would you happen to have any information about an organization called the Society? They may have something to do with the coup.

Never heard of 'em. Still, there's been a lot of pocket wars popping up in the last few years. If you want to investigate, I've got 2 jobs open.

Sounds good.

Just don't stick your neck out too far, you hear?

I won't.

I'll tell Brenda to get ready.
Next time you'll see the new jobs and the fight begins anew! That's next time, though, right now I'm off.
Once again, Glazius and I team up to fight a boss. This time, there's a twist! What could it be?