Part 29

Oh no we've got to hurry there might not be much time left let's do this optional area!

Caves caves caves traps Wanzers...

...and this!

I've got a lot of cash. I'll have to find something to spend it on.

That other level opened an alternate path to the shop. That's...somewhat useful.

One pointless walk later...

I'm not going to make fun of him for that because he's not an experienced RPG hero and doesn't know any better.

Is the noctoscope working?
Oh, right. THAT. Good thing I picked it up early.
A lot easier than... shooting fish in a barrel? What are we comparing things to? Besides the sequence of events that didn't happen because I'm not dumb and I visit levels when they appear, that is.

Time for the level where I got Emil- part 2! This time it's a cave, but I still have to go through a field of traps.

To make matters worse, these flamethrowers block certain paths, making you take the long and annoying route. Clark loves to try and head-butt the fire to death, so I ended up telling him to retreat in order to save myself a headache.

For the first time, we have a water level! You can float in all directions underwater, a gimmick which we'll be seeing more of later on.

Just give up already!
So did he lay all those traps as he went or did he somehow manage to get through without blowing any of them up?

You ain't gettin' your hands on Elgar!

Fucker turned around and shot me before the talking could start.
Not a lot of people call Albert clever. But let's not forget that this is Genoce talking.
Yeah. You've never tried THAT before.

It's the same fight. Even me making fun of it has gotten old.

"You rookie! You can't possibly defeat m- OW! I stubbed my toe! Retreat! Retreat!"

Rook came in and is standing behind me, if it's not clear.
Where was Rook hiding, anyway?
I'm sure Genoce doesn't need directions. Oh, who am I kidding?

Albert doesn't have this problem because his guns are made of magic.
Just to avoid confusion here, the game does automatically teleport you out.

If it weren't for you, I'd surely be...
HE was after Elgar. See? It's a man. Just a pink-haired one.
Most of you probably figured it out by now. If not, it's only because it makes no sense.
Axel is a grown man now and he can make his own decisions.
Now THAT'S encouragement.

Good thing that bonus is there or I'd have lost money on this deal.

My. How boring.

Actually, let's. First, I got Axel his level 3 Wanzer, since level 1 things suck. Then...

Turns out I missed this level. Oops!

So I put Axel on, intent on showing some of his skills.

But the level was boring and nothing happened, so I'll have to tell you instead.
Axel I weaker than Clark, but smaller, faster, and he has a shield.
Ok, that's actually all there is to it. See you next time!