Part 3

Since the paths between levels fade in and out they didn't show up here. Did I just not notice this before or was I lucky enough to avoid it?

This level is different from the previous ones. Orwen isn't following you and there are no scripted sequences. This is the standard sort of level that you'll be seeing for most of the game.

Here are the guys I fucked up taking a picture of before.

Down there are two more new enemies: You have the mortar wanzers and the small-and-weak-but-fast wanzers. Notice that the enemy health bar is full even though I'm not shooting anything and it's green instead of red like it would be if I was. The enemy health bar defeaults to this if it has nothing else to show. It is a representation of the number of enemies left in the stage. That bar will go down every time you kill an enemy. Once it's empty, no new ones will spawn. You could use this to your advantage by killing weak enemies in the beginning of the level, ensuring that the stronger ones won't spawn later.

A LOT of people get stuck here, including me. Those arrows mark the end of the level. You have to hold down and press B to exit. This is the first level you have to exit manually, so many people get stuck here.
By the way, I'm going to try using text to represent end of level gains. If you want me to just use screenshots, say so. Later on I might do some grinding outside of updates, in which case I'll just post what levels I got, how much money, etc.
For 17 kills I got 1150 funds, for a total of 2010.
I also earned 182 experience.

The game continues its decent into laziness by not even giving you an intro here. No talking, just a level.

The only thing separating this level from the previous is the background and these new enemies. They fly... and they shoot. That's it. We haven't hit the good parts yet, I'm afraid.

I hung around the exit until I had enough exp to level up.
For 21 kills, I got 1310 monies. Total is now 3320.
I also got 262 experience, leading to...

The laser is a primary weapon. It can pass through shields, so it has its uses. Homing missiles are a special weapon with an obvious effect, and the missile pod shoots a spread of unguided missiles.

Albert is a moron!

Orwen is a moron!

A new shop opened up, and it carries the first Dash and Vernier units. The dash unit isn't very useful yet, but I got the vernier.
By the way, you may have noticed the percentages next to some pieces of equipment, namely weapons, wanzers, and the vernier unit. As you use these things, you get better at using them and the percentage goes up. This makes them more effective. For example, taking damage with a certain wanzer will give it more HP and Defense. You can work your way gradually to 100%. After that, if you keep using it, you will eventually jump to 120%.

I don't know why they bothered to give me a shop considering here we are and everything is going to be fine!

I think he's supposed to be smiling, but all I see is one big tooth in the middle of his mouth.

It's almost as if it were an obvious trap!
Yes, Orwen. Go into the base alone, assuming that nothing could possibly be wrong. Albert actually does wait... for about five seconds.

Two seconds ago he was worried. Now he's back to assuming nothing can go wrong. Dammit, Albert.
Dude, you're stealing his line.
Strange they didn't notice him come in. I mean, he had to drop down those platforms above my head. It was a three story drop or something.

"You scared me!"

They really should have used a hyphen for people being interrupted. The ellipses makes it look like he just trailed off. It's like "You won't get away with... ummm... I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought. What were you saying?"
"You're lying, dammit, and I can prove it!"
I don't get it. How could he charge the president with treason, and... ohhh I get it now.
"Except for how you blew up 50 or so of my men... but other than that!"
That was short, but I couldn't resist the cliffhanger. Anyway, the game opens up soon, and I want you guys to tell me how to equip my wanzer when it happens. If you want me to use a specific weapon, you can start saying so any time.