Part 32

Woohoo! Beach party time!

I... what? I mean I know this place is up north but that was clearly a beach!

Wonderful. More of these guys.


Axel's catching up fast.
Alright, let's go to the Levi Bay Bridge like Reginef said.

What are your orders?
Has there ever been a supply convoy that wasn't under attack? EVER?

Turns out they're already AT the trucks and you need to make them die for it. It's a fun level; you're in constant dash mode and you kill the enemies before they can damage the trucks.

There's not much to talk about, but it's fun.

I like to pretend it's the same guy and he's pulling a Team Rocket by coming back with another zany scheme.
Nice try, but that's bullshit. Why would you capture the bridge if you were just going to blow it up anyway?
Even Albert is getting tired of this plot device.

He's just a stronger version of the normal enemy Wanzer. This does not go well for him.

This is getting silly.

I am once again barely rewarded for my heroism. Still, Axel leveled up again.

While true, that came across as rather dickish.
This game might reuse some plot devices, but I doubt they'd actually do that TWICE. That would really be reaching.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about you.

Here's that other place I was supposed to visit.
Is it just me or is Reginef the most bland boss we've had yet?
That is an epic burn. I approve.
Well, shit. I guess we'll have to do a bunch more levels.

Let's not jump to conclusions. Perhaps the Ninja Turtles have really let themselves go.

Oh joy of joys of a sewer level.

"Do some sight-seeing. Snap a few pictures..."
Typical of what? Crazy morons?

Look at me I'm flying over everything.

Eew. Look at that guy.

He shoots some bullets...

...and he jets back and forth laying mines. And he has a lot of health. And you can't see his life bar. He's annoying.

This Wanzer's destruction will trigger every last once of explosive in this tunnel! Heh heh heh...

What are you doing? Finish him!
But Rook is stupid and deaf, so...

He breaks reality with his gun!
Right. I guess we should run like hell or something.

Oh god, it's collapsing from the right... for some reason. But I guess it's good for me so I won't question it.

I imagine one of the developers placed this out-of-the way item box then leaned back in his chair and laughed and all the players who would waste valuable time getting it.

This, surprisingly, is actually useful. Wait and see.

He's standing in front of some debris. It's VERY distracting.
...clearly not stuck.
Insert me shooting the rocks. Because he can't do it himself.

To make a long story short: We did.

No he didn't, we were already past the part that collapses. Plus you CAN'T exit the level without you.
You clearly haven't been paying attention.
Like an idiot?
Anyone care to guess that the payoff for all this is going to be?

No comments here.

Nor here.

I wasn't able to stop them.
I'm not entirely convinced anyone actually lived in that town with the giant sewers.
She's pretty much a broken record at this point.
Genoce is an expert on survival.
Do you see what I'm implying here? I'm saying he runs away a lot.
Right... well that opens up a shop and I'm out for now! Expect something else Friday at the latest, I guarantee it.