Part 33
Oh, haha. Would you believe I forgot I hadn't uploaded that video yet? I'll get on it.

They've been floating in that spot since I got here. What's up with that?
Who else?
They keep blowing up their own soldiers and collecting the thousands of magical dollars that pop out.

Our navy uses ships like this! Albert! Target the ion nozzles!
I get the feeling I'm not going to like this explanation.
Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me. I'm not even transcribing the rest of this. Abridged version: The ships have glowing green weak points (There's one in the picture.). If you blow them up the ships don't work for some unspecified reason.

Also, you can't have ally Wanzers with you in levels with lots of water. I think it makes the AI shit itself or something. Except the enemies get around just fine and you can take allies into levels with just a little bit of water. Let's just pretend that everyone but you has JUST EATEN and cannot risk swimming.

Oddly enough, these Wanzers are weaker than the version that was on the oil rig.

Some of the...

Russian ships must be really cheap. Not surprising, considering how easy it was for one Wanzer to disable an entire fleet of them.

more than just a simple terrorist organization.
"Let's just... keep on doing what we do, I guess. Sorry, I really have nothing to add."

Another water level. No Axels allowed.

These things have lots of health. I really hope that Laser 3 comes along soon. In fact I think I'll grind for next time.

But no Wanzer can stand in the way of my Albion.
Really? Not even that big tank I blew up in the sewers?

Oh... okay. Level 5 armour. Never mind, you win.

Well, anyway. He goes back and forth dropping mines and occasionally shooting and taking a long time to kill. Here I am showing off the Wireless Gunpod. These can shoot his mines, but he spends so much time off screen that this was pretty much a waste.

Quit whinin', ya pansy.

This will be a good grind spot, I think, as soon as I get a better main weapon.

I can't begin to imagine why he chooses to bring this up now. No, Albert, Genoce is just helping out of the goodness of his heart.
And good luck getting him to say anything useful.

Looks like an enemy landing craft!

Greeeat. It's that guy.
Look, you don't seem to get it. Two dimensions! It's not that hard!


It's shooting at me from the background!

I shoot it back! Or maybe this is a different one! I don't care!

My entire lower body has glitched out of existence!

Uh, hello Bishop. Got anything to say?...
Solider? What about you?
Oh, I guess the game wants me to move over to the left so it can complete the scripted sequence.

So he blows up the soldier. No surprise there.
Seriously? Why don't I get paid that much?
Genoce has a great eye for partners.
What is he, seven years old?

For the life of me I cant figure out what he's talking about here.
By the way: 8 kills for 2660 funds and 617 EXP.

"Thanks to Bishop. The guy we were complaining about that you hired and are paying."
Oh, alright. It was a different one.
Wow. Reginef's forces are actually going to DO something... next time!